Part 19: Now Is Time To Say Goodbye

Start from the beginning

Don't call me ever again.
I no longer want to
know you. This is all
your fault. Forget my
number and forget you
even know my name. We
are done. If you really care
about me, you will leave me
alone. That is all I want from

Then she deleted the conversation and all of the missed calls and texts from Nova's phone and smiled at her handy work. She had just did the biggest favor of Nova's life and she didn't even know it. If everything worked out, she never would.

Robin flinched when a nurse wheeled Nova back in her room. Robin's face went through a range of emotions when she saw Nova. Nova looked as if she had been crying hard and she still had tears in her eyes. Whatever came back from her scans must have not been good.

"Sweetie! What's wrong?" Robin asked as she stood up and rushed over to Nova. Nova tried to form the words but she just couldn't repeat the news that the doctor had given her, and she broke down crying. Seeing Nova like this killed Robin. She had never seen her friend this upset and she didn't know what to do to make it right.

"I'll give you two a moment, I'll be back to help you in bed" The nurse said before she exited the room. Robin flashed her a thankful smile and then zoned back in on Nova, who was really starting to worry. She sat back down next to Nova and put a reassuring hand on Nova's, letting her know that she was there for her, and waited for her to compose herself.

"They...They said I have a fracture in my kneecap and I damaged my meniscus...I have to have surgery tomorrow" Nova said through her tears. Robin drew in a sharp breath from the news and looked at Nova with concern. "Okay, okay, yes it is major but you are at one of the best hospitals in the country and I will make sure they have the best surgeon for this kind of thing on board, you will be okay" She said, trying to make Nova feel better.

"Robin, what am I going to do? They said I can be out from anywhere to two to three months with this thing! What am I going to do about work? I don't think Glenn will keep my spot for that long and I don't know how I'm going to get to the subway every day with my knee totally wrecked!" Nova cried.

"We will deal with all of that once we get you through this surgery. Worst case, we put all your stuff in storage and you can come and stay in my spare bedroom. I will do whatever it takes to help you figure all of this out. For now I just want you to focus on getting better, leave all those details for me to figure out" Robin said, patting Nova's shoulder.

"Oh my God Robin!" Nova exclaimed with fresh tears in her eyes. "I don't know what to say, you would really do all that for me?"

"Absolutely! That is what friends are for! Now I'm going to go and find that nurse so you can get some sleep. You are going to need it for tomorrow. I'll be back first thing in the morning" Robin said.

Nova looked at Robin as if she were her saving grace. If she only knew what antics she had been up to earlier....

"Thank you so much! I don't know what I would do without you...Just...Thank you" Nova said gratefully. Robin gave Nova another warm smile and walked out of the room to go find the nurse.

After Robin had left, Nova took a deep breath and tried to compose herself. She was in a bad situation. It was hard to accept all of Robin's help but at this point she had no other choice. The only thing worse than accepting help from Robin would be to go back home with her tail between her legs and to start all over again. Nova had came too far here in New York to go that route.

She had met so many people here that she had come to love as family and the opportunities were endless for someone with her kind of talent. She would never get the kind of gigs back at home that she was able to get here. That was the whole reason why she moved here in the first place, to give herself more exposure and hopefully some day make a name for herself.  

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