"But you have nice hands."

"And what would you like me to use them for?" 

"We had a nice moment there!" You laughed and hit him playfully. 

"Bye Y/N!" Ginny kicked you.

"Where you going?" You shouted.

"Home! It's three in the morning." Mad Maddy claimed.

"Holy shit! That went by fast." You gasped as Maddy and Ginny left with the Gaston twins.

"Let's go then." Harry stood up and held out his hand to help you up.

"Where?" You asked.

"I'm walking you home." He told you. "You're not walking alone."

"Yeah sure." You shrugged. "Where's Anthony gone to?" You asked looking around the room.

"He and his sisters left like five minutes ago." Freddie claimed, falling over in the handstand she was attempting.

"Alright thanks." You nodded and turned to Harry. "Let's go."

Harry had his arm wrapped around your shoulder as you made your way home, laughing and chatting. It was becoming a rather pleasant walk around the Isle, nobody dared to bother you seeing that you were with him. As you reached your usual alleyway shortcut, you heard a group of rowdy boys shouting and fighting. You looked into the alley, curious as to who it was. A couple of the lesser known, more irrelevant boys from your school were giving another boy a beating. Typically, you would ignore a sight like this, it was common place around here and would tend to be people you didn't know that well, but there was someone different this time. You recognised the boy getting beaten.

"Is that Anthony?" You gasped, grabbing onto Harry's jacket.

"Oh fuck, yeah it is." Harry said. You began storming down the alley, making Harry a bit confused, however he followed along.

"Fucking queer!" One of the boys shouted, throwing Anthony to the wall.

"Just cause girls actually like me. You can't even get one near you." Anthony said back, gaining himself a kick in the groin. He fell down to the ground.

"Shut the fuck up f**got!" Another boy shouted angrily, pulling at Anthony's hair while the others kicked and manhandled him.

"Hey!" You yelled, marching over angrily. "What the fuck is this?"

"Just stay out of it sweet cheeks." One of the boys told you. You grabbed him by the shoulders and kneed his crotch.

"What do you guys think you're doing?" Harry joined you, pushing the boy to the ground.

"He's fucking gay!" A boy shouted, lifting and pinning Anthony to the wall. This allowed you to see his bloody nose and burst lip. The boy was a tougher build, yet was a little on the bigger side. He wore a purple leather waistcoat with red pants and purple cuffs on his wrists. He had raven black hair, which was notably unkempt and had an unpleasant face. 

"Watch what you're doing with those hands." Anthony joked, gaining another punch.

"You wank stains have five seconds to leave-" You began, but was cut off by the boy pinning Anthony.

"Or else what? You're not exactly scary honey."

"Get out of here or I'll fucking kill you." Harry threatened, taking a step closer to the group.

"Guys maybe we should just go..." The boy you kneed suggested, something that the others agreed with. Apart from the one pinning Anthony.

"No! Do you really think pansy boy and this princess can do any harm, even with help from Hook?"

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