Little did they know they were definitely going to see each other again because of their child living in her stomach.

Elsa didn't want to tell him at first until Anna persuaded her to. When she did tell him, he was surprised and happy but he couldn't be too happy because they weren't together anymore to raise this child together.

When the word got out to her parents and Hans that she was pregnant they were not happy at all. Hans declined the arranged marriage and her parents just weren't happy with her. They threw her out.

Elsa hasn't spoken to them since. She still talks to Anna all the time because she always comes over to help with Ivy.

I know you may ask, "Why wasn't Jack there to help?"

Well he was but he wasn't. He started dating again after they broke up. He only dated a few girls but once Ivy turned two, he couldn't help falling back in love with Elsa. He knew though, after their history they couldn't get back together. Well maybe they could but... it's complicated.

"Mommy!" Ivy exclaimed.

Elsa shook her head away from her memories, "Yes, Sweetie what's wrong?"

"Did you call daddy yet?" She asked excited.

"Baby, I haven't yet just give me two minutes to find my phone really fast," Elsa said and Ivy nodded her head.

Elsa went looking around her apartment for her phone and finally found it on her nightstand in her room.

She picked up her phone and nervously looked for his contact. When she found it, it read
"My Love 💙."

It has been like that since they were dating. She couldn't find it in herself to change it.

She dialed his number. He picked up on the first ring.

"Hey, Elsa! What's up?" He asked.

"Nothing much. Just that our daughter demands for us to see you at your house. Is that okay or should-," she was cut off right away.

"Yes! You two can come over. Just let me tidy a few things. Give me about ten minutes then you and Ivy can come over," he said.

"Okay, thanks. See you then," she said then hung up. She sighed. "I really need to get over him," she thought.

"Ivy," Elsa called from her room. Ivy came running in from her room and looked at her mother with hopeful eyes.

"We are going over to Ja- Daddy's house so let's get ready," she said. Ivy squealed and ran to her room So She could take some stuffed animals to take with her.

"She is literally just like Anna sometimes," Elsa thought chuckling to herself.

After ten minutes they were on the road. And another ten minutes later they make it to Jack's house. 

They knocked on his door. It wasn't long until he answered it.

When he opened the door he saw the most beautiful woman he's ever seen. Even though she barely had black circles under her eyes, he still saw her as beautiful. He knew she's been working a lot lately and taking care of a toddler 24/7 is a bit much. He also saw the cutest little girl ever.

"Daddy!" Ivy exclaimed jumping up and down when she saw him.

"Hey baby girl, I hope you are behaving for mommy," he said and briefly saw Elsa roll her eyes at his comment. Yes, Elsa still loves him but she is still annoyed with him sometimes.

"I am daddy!" Ivy exclaimed.

Ivy would always be so happy when her parents would get together with her to spend some time together. She wasn't quite sure why they didn't live together like most mommy's and daddy's so when they did spend some time together with her, she was the happiest child alive.

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