I do - part 1

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A/N: Normal Italics is Abi's vows, bold italics is Ellie's vows!
Normal text is the marriage officiant.


"For someone filled with so much emotion, sitting down and trying to write these vows was incredibly hard. You'll laugh knowing that in true Abi fashion I've spent the last six months worrying and wondering what to say, yet there I was two days out, frantically putting pen to paper."

"I've struggled to write these vows, not because of their importance or the fact we get one shot at doing so, but more because trying to summarise what you mean to me, what our relationship means to me and what this commitment means to me, is a little daunting."

"And the irony in all this is when I'm feeling overwhelmed, or stewing over something, something that's making me a little worried or anxious, it's you I turn to for help, but here goes." Abi stopped and looked up at Ellie for a moment, redirecting her eyes away from her quickly before wiping her eyes and looking down at the paper again. She couldn't believe they were here. They were actually getting married - it didn't feel real. But it was. It really was.

"I want your Monday morning, sleep soaked eyes, dream drenched voice, feet touching under the covers, please can you stop snoozing that alarm or we're going to be late again."

"I firstly want to thank you for all that you've taught me, your honesty and integrity has taught me to be truthful to myself and others. Your thoughtfulness and generosity has taught me to always care for and help those around me. Your playfulness in the light of my humour has taught me to expand my definition of silly and your willingness to try new things has taught me to expand my definition of adventure. With your belief I am confident, with your confidence I can achieve. In your presence I am stronger and in your arms, I am finally safe."

"I want your Tuesday afternoon, coffee break, glasses off, can't wait to get home, it's been a long day. I want your Wednesday evening, home late from Glasgow, on the sofa curled up in a ball, just play with my hair for a while."

"One of the questions I asked both of you was why get married and why now? You said that life's more fun when you've got somebody to share it with, that marriage is an important commitment to make in life, you said it's the best promise you'll ever make. From September 2018, you've never looked back. The first date, the first kiss, the first fart, the first I love you. You smile thinking of all of it and all the small moments in between that make up a life together. You can't imagine what life would be like if you two weren't a team, but since you both made it to the end of the isle, you probably don't have to."

"In a world that sometimes tells us we shouldn't have a life together, there is no one else I would want by my side and I promise to never let you face it alone."

"No matter the struggles and challenges thrown our way and no matter the ignorance that we may face, from this day forward we're in this together, we'll challenge it together and we'll change it together. We started out as teammates, celebrated wins, commiserated over losses and wore the three lions on our chest with pride. And today, I make this promise to you, to be your teammate forever. Our team, you and I, the best team."

"I want your finally Friday, stretched out smile, crystal blue eyes, planet earth and the sea lions boring you to tears, have I told you I love you today? " Ellie looked up at Abi, who laughed through the tears of complete joy before continuing on. "I want your weekend, your 300 mile an hour Saturday, 'I really need to go now babe because LeaRo will kill me if I'm late', driving here, there and everywhere, smiling from the sidelines as my girl is player of the season again."

"I want your post season Sunday, coffee in hand, tender skin, hair like Christmas, let's not get out of bed today. And who knows that this game of life has in store for us, Ellie, but I know there's no one I'd rather be playing the game along side. I want you, every day, in every way, for the rest of my life."

"I want you, every day, in every way, for the rest of my life."

"Many people will say that today is all set to be the happiest day of your lives, but even if that's true, and to be honest I don't know how you're going to top the first fart, there are two important words missing, so far, because your best are almost certainly ahead."

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