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The night before England's game vs Brazil at The Riverside Stadium, Steph's parents had invited the Lionesses, the staff and their families to their house in Durham for a get together, since most of the Lionesses were from the North East.

Abi wasn't feeling particularly up for it so she made a beeline for her bedroom as soon as she walked over the threshold to her grandparents house.

"And where do you think your going?"

Abi turned round towards the voice and smiled sheepishly at Lucy and Keira who were standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm going to my bedroom."

"No you aren't." Keira said simply.

Abi rolled her eyes. "And why not?"

"Because Steph wants to see you in the kitchen." Lucy added.

"Why?" Abi huffed.

"Don't shoot the messengers, we're just passing on the information we've been told."

Abi rolled her eyes again and walked back towards the kitchen, pushing the door open. The usual suspects were there, Steph, Stephen, Phil, her grandparents and uncle Stuart. And her case worker from when she was in the foster system, David.

"David, I wish I could say I was happy to see you, but this obviously isn't a pleasure visit." She muttered, looking around at the adults who had scattered themselves across the kitchen.

"Come sit down, Abi," Stuart said.

"Are you getting rid of me?" She asked, turning to Steph and Stephen and they both laughed, shaking their heads.

"No, we aren't getting rid of you." Steph said.

"But we do need to talk to you."

"Please get to the point." Abi muttered.

"Okay, well, Abi. I told you last year that I wouldn't bring this up again unless we were absolutely certain we could go through with it... When you came to me 8 years ago and told me what he did to you, there wasn't enough evidence to convict him..."

Abi scoffed.

"But now there is. Another girl your age has come forward..."

"So now all I need to do is go to court and tell everyone what he did to me and prove that he is indeed, a sick bastard?"

"Well....yes." David nodded.

"I don't want to disappoint you David, but I've had to relive what those two men did to me everyday for the past 10 years, the nightmares have finally stopped. If I have to sit in front of a judge and tell him or her what they did to me, I'm never going to be able to forget. I like where I am in my life and I don't want to end up back at square one. I have a great family and loads and loads of friends and they don't need to hear about it either."

"But Abi—"

"No, mum. I can't do it again. And you can't make me." Abi got up from her seat and walked out, pushing past Ellie and Georgia who were deep in conversation and she walked upstairs, slamming the bedroom door behind her.

Everyone seemed to leave Abi to do her own thing for the rest of the evening, clearly sensing there was something wrong. Ellie however, wasn't easily swayed and checked on her every 15 minutes, much to the irritation of Abi.

"Can you please leave me alone?" Abi snapped as Ellie stuck her head through the door for the fifth time.

"I'm just making sure you're okay."

"And why do you care?"

Ellie sighed, "Of course I care. I'll always care about you even if we aren't together. Whether we're together or not you're still my best friend and I love you."

Abi laughed, "Could've fooled me."

"I do love you."

"Stop it, no you don't."

"I wouldn't be up here checking on you if I didn't."

"But you don't want to be with me."

"Stop it."

"Just telling the truth." Abi grumbled.

"I want to be with you. We just can't right now." Ellie said, sitting down on the bed.

"I know, you've said." Abi replied bitterly.

"Please talk to me....don't push me away.." Ellie was almost pleading with Abi but she just shook her head again.

Abi got up of the bed and picked up Ellie's jumper that was on the floor, "I don't want it. Have it back." She walked out and went back downstairs, sitting in between Georgia and Keira.

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