Nobody Understands

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Abi was angry at Ellie for the way she had acted at lunch and made sure that Ellie was well aware of it. After they'd eaten, they returned to their rooms and sat in silence for the rest of the afternoon, neither saying a word to each other.

After a while, Abi got sick of the suffocating silence and turned to face Ellie who was watching Netflix. She reached over and pulled her headphone from her ear. "Do you fucking mind?"

"I don't mind at all." She said, sarcastically. "You were really rude to Alessia today, she was only asking a question." Abi muttered angrily.

Ellie took her other headphone out and turned to face Abi. "The answer was none of her business."

"Ellie, you told her our business! You told her my business."

"Why is it so important to you that we're together?"

Ab sighed, "You're the only person who makes me happy and I don't understand why you don't want to be with me...." she huffed.

Ellie sighed and got up of her bed, kneeling down in front of Abi. She forced her head upwards so that they were looking directly at each other. "Look at me. I love you, I love you more than anything in the world. But you don't need the stress of a relationship right now. Steph's right, you don't need any distractions."

"It's not up to Steph what I do with my life! It's my choice and my choice is you! Why is that not enough for you?!"

"Abi, it's not as simple as that--"

"Why isn't it as simple as that, Ellie? Please fucking enlighten me! Tell me why you don't want to be with me? Are you ashamed of me or something?"

"God, no! Abs I'm so proud of you and everything you've done over the past year..."

"Then please....tell me....why am I not good enough for you?" Abi's voice cracked as she tried to look away from Ellie.

"You are more than good enough for me, Abs. But I already told you, you don't need the stress of a relationship right now. I know you're struggling, Abs. I know you better than you know yourself. You need to talk to someone about what's going on inside your head."

"Don't fucking patronize me."

"I'm not trying to patronize you, I'm just saying. Please talk to someone. Phil, Stephen, Steph, Lucy, Leah, Jordan... it doesn't matter who it is...Just please don't bottle it all up."

"How do I know who I can trust? You found out about what happened by accident and you promised me you wouldn't tell anyone but instead you betrayed my trust and told Alessia, Lois, Lotte and worst of all you told Maz!"

"I'm sorry, Abi! It was an accident, okay? I didn't mean it!"

"How the fuck is that an accident Ellie? How did it just slip into conversation?" Abi was almost screaming and she was sure she could be heard from down the hallway.

"We.." Ellie didn't really know. "I don't know...I'm sorry."

"Even if you wanted to be with me, I could never forgive you for this anyways." Abi muttered as there was a bang on the door and Georgia's voice could be heard through the cement wall.

"Come on love birds! Time for birthday cake!"

Ah, right. Abi had forgotten it was Lucy Staniforth's birthday.

Abi got up from the bed and wiped away her tears. "Just coming!"

She walked towards the door and exited the room, Ellie got on her heels. They both walked into the dining room in silence and sat down on either side of Maz.

"What the hell happened to you two?" Alessia asked, eyebrow raised.

"Nothing." They both grumbled, but the other girls were less than convinced.

Alessia and Lois got up from the table, one going in the direction of Phil and the other of Steph, both returned within moments of each other and Steph came over as well.

"Abi. Outside." That wasn't a request, that was an order.

Abi muttered something under her breath and got up from her seat, walking outside with Steph.

"You and Ellie sharing a room together is clearly doing neither of you any good. You are going to share with Maz from now on."

"Finally!" Abi exclaimed, happily.

She wondered back into the room and sat back down, turning to face Maz. "We are roomies!"

"We are?" Maz asked as Ellie's head shot up from her phone, Abi saw Keira and Georgia glance at each other cautiously.

"Yes, we are!"


Ellie was about to say something, but Georgia kicked her under the table, shaking her head furiously trying to get her to keep her mouth shut.

Keira made a face but also stayed silent, wondering if this was going to make things better, or just make things ten times worse.

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