Building Bridges

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"Abs?? Abi you're shaking....Wake up, Abi!" Maz was stood across Abi, watching on as she shook uncontrollably on the bed. She knew that she wasn't having a fit, she'd seen those before and this wasn't one of those, but she knew Abi was having a nightmare.

"Abi, wake up!" She tried to shake her again, but she knew there was no chance of getting her out of such a deep sleep. Maz grabbed her phone and sent a text to Ellie.

Maz: you awake?

EllieRoebuck: Yup

Maz: Can you come up here?

EllieRoebuck: Why?

Maz: Abi's having a nightmare and I can't wake her up, she's like shaking and everything

Maz hadn't realised that Ellie hadn't answered until there was a bang on the door and Ellie was kneeling down next to Abi's bed, also trying to wake Abi up.

"What did she do? Did she take her medication before she went to sleep?"

"I don't know, she was already sleeping when I came out the bathroom! She did take her medication but Steph was here."

Ellie sighed, placing her hand on Abi's leg gently. She could feel Abi tense under her touch, "Abi...babe, I need you to relax..." Although she'd stopped convulsing, Ellie could still feel her trembling, but Ellie was relieved that she was considerably calmer.

"Maz, you can room with Alessia tonight. I'm not leaving her."

"But Steph—"

"I don't give a damn about Steph. I'm not fucking leaving her, now go." Ellie muttered, getting up and opening the door. Maz huffed, but grabbed her stuff and left the room.

Ellie sighed as she shut the door, taking her hair out of its bun, she lay down next to Abi and watched her curiously.

Eventually she turned round to face her and Ellie smiled, brushing hair from her face. "I'm sorry."

Abi raised an eyebrow and shivered, Ellie wrapped her arms tightly around her. "For?"

"For not being there when you needed me. I abandoned you—"

"Ellie....please stop talking. I already told you I'm completely fine."

"Abi, what I just witnessed is not fine."

"Shut up and kiss me." Abi whined, leaning her forehead against Ellie's and pressing their lips together.

Ellie smirked and returned the favour, before pulling away. "Stop changing the subject!"

Abi rolled her eyes. "Stop worrying."

"It's my job to worry." 

"It's not, but I love you for it." Abi smiled weakly and kissed Ellie softly again.

"Abs, I didn't stay up here so we could make out.." Ellie sighed.


"Don't apologise."

"You know...." Abi breathed in. "I used to wake up during the night thinking he was on top of me..."

Ellie squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head. "We don' don't have to talk about it tonight."

"I'm tired..."

"I know, love..." Ellie pulled Abi towards her so that her head rested on Ellie's chest, she ran a finger across her cheek, softly kissing her head.

"Mums going to kill us tomorrow..."

"Go to sleep.." Ellie whispered, also shutting her eyes.

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