Three Weeks

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Abi and Jarrod sat speaking for the duration of dinner, speaking about their childhood and things they had missed in each others life. Abi kept tensing, until Ellie put her hand on the inside of her leg, squeezing gently. It didn't help much, but it kept her distracted and she was grateful that Ellie was there.

"Alright, I think it's time we head back." Rachel announced to Leanne, Abi, Nicola and Sam after they had finished their dinner. Abi sighed and got up from the table, dropping Ellie's hand from her leg.

"Right....lets go." Abi nodded and walked straight out of the room.

Ellie raised an eyebrow, turning to Steph who just shrugged. Ellie got up from where she was sat and followed her straight out of the room. "Did you really think I was going to let you go without saying goodbye?"

"You know I hate goodbyes." She muttered, but didn't turn to face her. Ellie sighed and walked towards her, wrapping her arms around her waist and resting her head on her shoulder. "What can I do to make things better for you?"

"What do you mean?" Abi turned her head so they were facing each other.

"I feel like I've let you down. I don't feel like I've been a good enough girlfriend because you are still hurting. It's my job to make you feel better and it breaks my heart knowing that you're still struggling—"

"El,'s not your problem. Please don't worry about me."

"I can't not worry about you. You scare me, Abs..."

"I don't need you to fix all of my problems." Abi sighed and turned round, wrapping her arms around Ellie's waist. "I'm sorry." 

"Don't apologise, it's fine.." Ellie leaned her forehead against Abi's and sighed, but she pulled away when Steph coughed. 

"It's time to go, kiddo."

"I wish you wouldn't call me that." Abi muttered. 

"Sorry, are you a big girl now?" Steph teased and all the girls laughed, Abi rolled her eyes. 

She stepped away from Ellie and hugged Steph, Stephen and the rest of the girls before turning to her brother. "Will I get to see you again?"

Jarrod nodded. "Absolutely....I mean, only if you want." 

Abi nodded "That would be....totally awesome." she grinned and he laughed. 

"Totally awesome." he agreed. 

"Hey, mum?" Abi turned to Steph and she raised an eyebrow. 


"Can Jarrod come to our house for Christmas?" Abi pleaded. 

"I don't see why not..." Steph shrugged and turned to Stephen, who nodded and put his arm around her. 

Abi turned back to Jarrod and pulled him into a hug. "It's totally awesome having a family." 

He nodded but didn't say anything, Abi pulled away again and turned back towards Ellie, taking her hand. 

"Three weeks." Abi muttered. 

"Three weeks." Ellie nodded in agreement and leaned across to kiss Abi's head. 

"I love you." 

"I love you more."

"That would bring tear to a glass eye....but not this one." Rachel Corsie muttered. 

"Not everyone's as miserable as you, grandma Corsie." Abi said, getting into the front seat of Leanne's car. 

"Uh, excuse me? Grandma?! Leanne is older than me!" 

"You're only as old as ye feel, Rach."

"Can we please go now? The quicker I'm back home, the better. I won't have to see any of you again till next Sunday." Sam added. 

"Shut up, Sammy." Leanne, Rachel and Nicola all said in unison. 

"Take her away before I change my mind!" Ellie shouted, going to stand by Stephen and Steph. 

"Three weeks, El." 

"Three weeks, Abs."

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