Is it too late now to say sorry?

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The team were travelling to Belgium today for their friendly on Thursday night. Abi was meant to be sitting next to Ellie on the bus to the airport and on the plane but she wasn't convinced that this was going to happen because when they woke up this morning Ellie couldn't have gotten out of their room quick enough and she never spoke to her at breakfast.

"What did you say to upset Ellie?" Georgia said, sitting down with her weetabix and fruit.

Abi just shrugged. "I dunno. She's been grumpy with me since last night."

"What did you say to her while you were out on the pitch?"

"Nothing. She was asking me what was wrong and I told her.. I apologised for being a bitch and she told me I was forgiven but she still seemed really ticked off. Mind you, I did tell her to bugger off so that probably didn't help. She was fine when we hugged and then she went all uptight and told me that I should phone Maz because she'd want to talk to me before lights out. When I went up to our room she asked me if I loved Maz and I said no and she accused me of lying to her."

Georgia rolled her eyes. "She loves you."

Abi choked on her orange juice. "Sorry, I thought you just said Ellie loves me?"

"She does." Georgia nodded.

Abi turned around to look at Ellie who was talking to Jill and Lucy Staniforth. It seemed as though Ellie was avoiding all and any sort of eye contact with Abi and she turned back to Georgia with a small sigh.

"I don't know if I feel the same." Abi muttered.

"You got so worked up when she kept asking if you were in love with Maz and you got all defensive when Ellie said she thought you were in love with her."

"What if we tell each other how we feel and it completely ruins our friendship?" Abi whispered.

"You don't know till you try." Georgia said, getting up and leaving Abi to her thoughts.

The team boarded the bus and Abi took a seat next to Ellie who already had her headphones in. Abi turned to her and pulled out one of Ellie's earphones and Ellie glared at her.

"What was that for?" Ellie snapped.

"We need to talk." Abi sighed.

"We're talking right now." Ellie pointed out.

"You know that's not what I mean, El."

"What's on your mind then, Abs? Besides the obvious of course."

"The obvious?"


Abi laughed. "Why are you so convinced that I'm in love with Maz?"

"Because you are, you told me yourself."

"I told you that so you'd stop asking. Why are you so bothered if I am?" Abi said, standing up to walk off the bus with the rest of the team.

"I'm not bothered." Ellie said defensively.

"You're a shit liar, Roebuck." Abi said, walking away.

Abi and Ellie sat in silence during the flight to Brussels while everyone else was chatting, listening to music or sleeping.

Abi let out a small sigh when Ellie rested her head on her shoulder.

"Is to too late now to say sorry?" She muttered and Abi turned to face her.


Ellie sighed when Abi turned away and she rested her head on Abi's shoulder again.

"Well I am sorry."

"I'm the one who should be sorry," Abi started. "I'm sorry if you feel left out when I don't tell you that I love you because I do."

"You don't have to tell me you love me just to keep me happy..." Ellie muttered.

"I'm not telling you just to keep you happy. I'm telling you because I mean it."

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