Cars and Newspapers

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"Pack your bags," the crow said. "We're going home." Rachel cheered and hopped in the air, before focusing on her desk once again.

"I mean," she said with hidden glee. "I'm glad we can agree."


It didn't take the pair long to get out of Warnerburg. The police station understood the situation and would send any information they gathered on the lab bust, the Warners, the street performers seen with the two suspects, and so on to the detectives. Joan was still amazed by what a huge mess the two young men could throw together before disappearing. She and Rachel were now driving down the winding road toward a home they hadn't seen in months. It wasn't as fast as the train, but they had to bring Featherworth's car back.

"Can you believe the last few weeks?" Ringtail suddenly asked.

Joan glanced over at her. The raccoon was gazing out of the window.

"Hardly," Joan chuckled.

"We found real talent for trouble this time." Ringtail smiled and rested her head on her hand.

"You mean they're like us then?" Featherworth asked.

"I am starting to think they could be better than us," Ringtail said.

Joan's feathery brows raised. "Now, that is impressive," Rachel snorted. Both women chuckled.

"Who do you think will have the crazier luck?" Joan asked with a smile.

"Definitely them." Rachel smirked. "They drove right by us! Hell, I think I even heard one of them say hello and wave!" They laughed again.

"That is one of the closest misses we have ever had," Joan agreed. "They were just as surprised to see us as we were to see them."

"No kidding. They were absolutely gob smacked." Rachel grinned. "It was too bad they got away."

Joan shrugged. "We'll get them next time."

"Yeah, we will! They are running around our backyard. There is no way they'll get away from us again." Rachel grinned her fanged smile.

"So, want to hear how they got to Toon Town?" Ringtail asked.

Joan gave Rachel a deadpan look. "They were on the train when a gentleman recognized them," Rachel began to explain. Joan was again amazed at the boys abilities to simply disappear. They chatted back and forth, enjoying their trip as the day went by. Both women were excited to be going home at last.


Cuphead was getting tired of waiting. They had spent the night in the doctor's home, waiting for someone to appear. They had slept in shifts so no one could sneak up on them. Cups had found the doctor's neighbor to be insufferable. The man would agree with his loud maid or landlady or whoever she was, then he would play his violin. It wouldn't be so bad...if he didn't do it at three in the morning. Cups had half a mind to bang on the wall and demand some peace and quiet. Of course, he didn't, since this wasn't his place and he technically was never here, but still! The nerve of some schmucks! Because of that guy, he and Mugs had less than a good night's sleep, which only made him more irritable and Mugs more easily distracted.

Why hadn't anyone shown up by now? It was already late morning. With how dust free the inside was and how well stocked the kitchen was Cups couldn't imagine the regular occupant of the place to be gone long. To pass the time, Mugs started looking closer at knick-knacks and trophies. He had to give comments occasionally and with Cuphead's mood the way it was, he could only be seen as annoying.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2019 ⏰

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