Chapter 16: Things Go as Well as Expected

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Hiya! I loved typing the chapter! It was too much fun. I hope you enjoy it too! Thank you everyone that fed the Ego Eagle. Your comments give me life!...I should hold the Warners at gunpoint more often. It's nice to have my note box to myself. And I'm sorry Mercowe! I am not making your life easy! I'm the worst.
Still, it's a little longer then usual so all of you can enjoy! I'll see ya at the end.


Bendy clenched his teeth. This was bad. He didn't know if he would be able to act fast enough to stop all of them. The men took aim. Ice entered Bendy's veins and his heart jumped into overdrive. Was this really how he was gonna meet his maker?

"Woah, woah fellas! No need to burn powder on us," Yakko said lifting his arms up and waving them in a surrendering motion. Half the guns turned on him.

"How are there so many of you? This isn't what he told us," Dot complained with her jeweled hands on her hips.

A couple of guys froze in the lineup. The middle goon growled. "What was that?"

"Yeah, no kidding," Wakko said. "He must have chiseled us, had us distract these boys so he could go off doin' whatever."

"Uh," one of the other guys said, uncertainly. "What they talkin' about Monday?"

The guy in the middle clenched his hand around the tommy he had. "It seems we had a squealer." He turned from his group to the Warners. "Who was it? Come 'ere and tell us!"

Yakko straightened up and walked casually toward the group, Wakko following shortly. "Well. Eh, his name was." He stopped and thought. "Cheese and crackers. What was it?" Yakko turned to Wakko. "Do you remember?"

Wakko stuck his tongue out further in thought. The boys passed Bendy and Boris. Bendy hissed quietly. "What are you guys doing? You're gonna get yourselves killed!" Neither acted as if they heard him. Yakko put his hands behind his back.

"Wasn't it Bippy?" Wakko asked.

"No that's not right." Yakko waved him off. "Bobby?"

"No, no. That isn't it either," Wakko denied. The goons lowered their guns to follow the Warners.

"Stop there and spit it out!" Monday ordered.

What were these nuthouses doing now? If they angered these guys they were all dead! Bendy felt sweat run down the side of his face. What could he do? How could he save them? "Psst!" Bendy glanced over his shoulder. Finley and Sammy were carefully backing away toward the corner of the shelf aisle. If they got around the corner they would be safer from bullets. Bendy looked back to the Warners.

"We're trying! Seems the bimbo's name has slipped our minds. What if we described him to ya?" Yakko suggested. He waved one of his hands clasped behind his back. It was hidden from the men with guns, but the message to Boris and Bendy was clear. Go.

The middle guy hesitated.

"C'mon. I'm sure ya fellas can't have a squealer in your little party goin' on here, right? Help us help you palm" Yakko said lightly.

"Alright," the guy said. "Wha' did he look like?" Boris gave Bendy a worried glance as the demon grabbed his arm and slowly stepped back.

"Uh." Wakko bobbed his head back and forth. "Kinda tall." He lifted a hand way above his head to show the height, but was too short for it to be accurate. "Big palooka."

Bendy slowly continued back, Boris followed, but stared at the Warners with worry in his dark eyes.

"He had a smart mouth too," Yakko added thoughtfully. "A real yapper. What was he again? A panda?"

Bendy and Boris in The Inky MysteryWhere stories live. Discover now