Chapter 12: A Busy Day

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Just like Bendy can't get a break, neither can I! End of semester weeks are complete mad houses! I don't have a lot of time, so I'll just let you get to the chapter.
Oh! Real quick though, the links in the story are for music if ya want it. This is what I listened to while typing this chapter. Enjoy.


"I'm sorry young man, but in my professional opinion you are completely healthy," Dr. Boo said. He was a small crow, not nearly as tall as Featherworth had been, and his thick glasses hid his eyes from Bendy completely, but his eyebrows were expressive enough that it didn't matter much. He had a hood attached to his white coat giving him a white grim reaper look...or was it more of that 'death doctor' look? Plague doctor with the beak? Something like that, he seemed dark to Bendy.

"Ah, c'mon doc. You gotta have more than that," Bendy complained. He had never been to a doctor's office and it had taken all three of his companions to convince him to go. It had been odd to see Sammy explain in his quiet and concerned way that a doctor would at least have something for pain. Finally, Boris was able to drag Bendy in. The two entertainers explained to the beautiful nurse the situation. She had to get up and talk to the doctor about a walk-in visit. Bendy had enjoyed watching her very curvy form sway through the back doors. The street performers opted to wait out in the waiting room. Boris wasn't going to leave Bendy's side and Bendy was secretly relieved. This overly clean and sparse place was creepy. He didn't like the chemical smell, and the tension that came from people unable to do anything but wait was nerve racking.

The nurse had returned to inform him that the doctor would gladly see him. Bendy had flirted with her until he went in (much too Boris's annoyance) to relieve some of his nerves. She had been pleasant and polite. She smiled at him like he was a kid trying to be charming. Bendy had been too nervous to really get annoyed.

The doctor shrugged. "I'm sorry. Until the test results come in, I can't tell you more." All this tension was amounting to squat. After facing the needle and probing, he couldn't believe this was all he was getting. They had explained all Bendy's symptoms. They even gave the doctor his stained glove.

"When will that be?" Boris asked.

"Roughly a week," The doctor answered. Bendy was barely able to stop himself from smacking his forehead. A week! He didn't have a week to waste here. At the same time, it wasn't like he could get outta of here either.

"What about some pain meds, doc?" Bendy cut in.

"I can't proscribe anything beyond over the table medicine until I have a better understanding of what you're dealing with," Dr. Boo explained patiently. Bendy's eye twitched. Hadn't he just explained what he was dealing with! What good was this quack? Boris rested a hand on his shoulder.

"Thank you, sir," Boris said.

Bendy walked out of the building feeling somewhat violated. He decided he didn't like doctors or hospitals much. Needles were freaky and the smell was disturbing. Nope, he was good never going back.

"Well that was a waste of time," he muttered in a bad mood.

"Hey, maybe he'll come across something," Finley said.

"We don't have a week," Boris said, tugging at his gloves.

Bendy sighed. "It's not like we have much of a choice, bro."

"Well, Sam and I are gonna go start our routine and see how much we can rack in today. What about you guys?" Finley asked.

"We're gonna stop by the police station and see if they have any leads yet, then we'll hit the streets and start asking around," Bendy said.

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