Chapter 11: Following the Tracks

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Hello lovelies! It's TAP here again!
Thank you for all the positive responses and to Mercowe from wanting to help edit this crazy thing.
I won't lie this chapter almost didn't happen. My writing has slowed down thanks to school and finals in a few weeks. Deep breath, no stress...I am such a poor liar. I may have to miss a week or two, but I am going to do my best to keep it up! I did a doodle of Joan and Rachel. Check it out here:

See you at the end!


"By my claws!" Ringtail cursed and chucked her notepad to the other side of the room. She growled and dropped her face into her hands.

"Ringtail!" Featherworth hissed disapprovingly.

"Dry up, Featherface!" Ringtail snapped at her. "It's started all over again! We are right back at square one! We let them slip by us because we were way too trusting! We were complete pushovers. Once we get back to Toon Town, we might as well turn our badges in. Cuss!"

Featherworth sighed as her partner continued her rant. They were in their hotel room for a breather. It had been a difficult day.

"They played us like harps and the minute they had a chance they slipped away. We should've let them get thrown in the slammer!"

Upon discovering the state of the brother's apartment, the detectives had lost all authority with the local force. Quietly, the local force had decided the Toon Town agents were incompetent. The cops believed the mechanics has fled their crimes and had sent out wanted reports. The town civilians had become nervous and untrusting after the events of the last few days. Whispers of the town being cursed and shady groups showing up were hissed on street corners and over late-night drinks. Most were reluctant to talk to the women now. The fear was almost suffocating. There was little more the two detectives could do now.

Featherworth mentally went over the list of facts they had. The two brothers seemed to be targeted now, much like Wilson had been. Their apartment had been ransacked for something and not destroyed from a struggle. The letter Boris left explained things vaguely. Joan glanced at it on the table. They hadn't shared it with the local police. She knew it was withholding evidence, but after losing the journal, she was reluctant to turn in anything she considered vital to her case.

Dear Miss Detectives,

Sorry. We have to leave. It's too dangerous to stay here. Bendy doesn't think there's anywhere safe in town. We're going to find a cure for the illness. I hope you catch the people that are doing this. Sorry we didn't come to you. We are doing what we think is best. Good luck and thanks for everything.


Joan clenched her fists in frustration. She had let them down. She hadn't had time to explain everything to Ringtail after her drive with Bendy and Boris. Today had been just as hectic. If she had, would things have turned out differently? Would Rachel have had some insight that Joan hadn't considered? Joan didn't know. Now the two brothers were wanted for murder and arson and she couldn't help but feel responsible. She didn't have any evidence to defend them, but her instincts were certain that they were innocent of these crimes. She wasn't naïve enough to believe they were purely victims, that they weren't involved, but she couldn't believe them to be murderers. The true villain or villains were after them and if they beat her and Ringtail to the boys...they would end up like Wilson.

"JOAN!" Featherworth startled. She looked up at the outraged glare of her partner. She must have been calling her for some time now. "Great time to shut down," Ringtail hissed. "Glad to know that you are so enraptured by my opinions." Sarcasm dripped from her tone like venom.

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