Chapter 17: Goodbye Warnerburg

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Hello lovelies! Holy cow! Your responses were amazing. I've been giddy all week due to them. Consider the Ego Eagle stuffed like a Thanksgiving turkey. And someone brought up a great question last chapter. What are the Warners' Talents? Hehehe. I promise to spill at the end of this chapter.
"But they're our Talents! You shouldn't say anything!" Dot complained.
Oh, hush. You guys have been around long enough that they deserve to know.
"But it's boring to explain. Leave our Talents as a mystery. This story is supposed to be a mystery right?" Yakko said.
"Yeah, it's even in the title," Wakko added.
Whatever. So, before I let the cats outta the bag I'll give you all a hint. They've been using their Talents the whole time. ;)
"NOooooo!" the Warners complain together.
And thank Mercowe for being my grammar angel!
Enjoy the chapter and see ya at the end!


Bendy woke up at the site of the disappearing stars. The sun was coming up. He sat up and looked around. Boris was next to him and Finley and Sammy were beyond him. All of them were still asleep. They were on some sorta flat roof. He spotted Dot sitting on the edge with her legs dangling over the lip and looking at the rising sun. Bendy quietly got up and tip toed over to her. She looked up and smiled at him. "Why Bendy, how romantic. Watching the sun rise with the girl of your dreams."

"Can it," Bendy huffed as he sat down. He raised a knee so he could rest his arm on it. "I just came over here to ask what happened last night?" Bendy spotted the water tower. They were back at the studio?

"You don't remember?" Dot asked with surprise in her eyes and tone in the muted predawn light.

Bendy pursed his lips in thought. They sat in silence for a time as he tried to recall. "We broke through a cop barrack. Boris was driving us out of the tunnel. When we got out, there were cop cars on us is seconds." Bendy paused. "He was following Wakko and Yakko's directions. Then...." Bendy trailed off. What happened after that? The memory tickled the back of his skull. He furrowed his brows and brought a hand to his chin. He made a noise of mild frustration.

"I don't remember," he finally said. He glanced over at Dot. She seemed uncharacteristically uncomfortable. Her brows furrowed and shoulders tensed as she looked out to the sunrise instead of at Bendy. "What happened?" Bendy asked cautiously.

"Ah. You, um, had an attack." Dot cringed a little. "It looked really painful."

Bendy blinked. Oh yeah, that's right. It was coming back to him now. The pain had started up and he had thought it was going to be like the other times. It wasn't. It had just gotten worse. The inferno in his lungs and chest caused him to scream. He began coughing violently. He was choking and gagging. He was coughing up ink. It wouldn't stop. The others around him had shouted, but he hadn't been able to understand them. He hadn't been able to focus. All he had known was pain and suffocation. He had felt a hand on his shoulder. He didn't know if it was Dot or Boris or someone else. Bendy had felt sweat run down his face and tried to wipe it away with shaky hands. His gloves were stained with ink. It wasn't sweat, it was ink. His jumbled thoughts had been running a mile a minute. Was he finally melting? Was he dying? Bendy remembered panicking at that point.

He didn't know how much longer after that, but eventually the pain had receded. The world came back into focus. Bendy had been able to breathe deeply again, but he had been so tired. Boris had been holding him tightly. The car had slowed down. Bendy had choked out Boris' name and Bendy thought he heard all the occupants of the car sigh in relief. He remembered being carried up a staircase and being put down.

"Okay yeah. I remember that. But what happened?" Bendy asked.

Dot smiled, but it wasn't her real smile. "You were kinda out of it, handsome." She swung her legs back and forth, knocking her heels against the wall gently. "Boris couldn't drive when you started screaming, so Wakko jumped up and took over. We argued about whether we should take you to a hospital, but the pup, uh, convinced us otherwise." She sighed heavily. "So Wakko and I lost the cops and we stopped at the studio after that. Everyone was pretty tired and we all called it a night."

Bendy and Boris in The Inky Mysteryحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن