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" Don't let them hurt you, baby

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" Don't let them hurt you, baby..." ~ Recess by Melanie Martinez

"Hiya, Petra. Finally found you!" Petra was shocked to find that Laika was approaching her at her usual lonely table hidden in a dark corner during lunch, carrying a tray and smiling brightly at Petra.

This girl was bringing herself into trouble.

Petra thought after what happened that morning, Laika surely wouldn't even want the slightest bit to talk to Petra.

What happened, you ask? Let's just say Addie had been spreading around rumours that Petra had been sleeping around with the guys at school to earn a little bit of "attention".

"Which was a total bummer, because she would never get any attention," Addie had said loudly when Petra walked past her towards her first class that morning.

Apart from that, people had started scribbling words like "slut" and "attention seeker" on Petra's locker... but through all of it, Petra still kept silent and tried hard to not let a tear escape.

"L-Laika... you s-shouldn't come here, t-they'll see y-you and then y-you'll b-be b-bullied as well—"

"Who cares? They are such jerks, they all deserve to rot in hell," Laika interrupts. "Also, even if they can bully me, they won't dare." she added as she sat down and started unwrapping the burger she had bought from the cafeteria, taking a huge bite from it after. "Seriously, these burgers taste so much better than my last school's ones."

"W-why w-won't they d-dare...?"

"Because, if you would really like to know, Principal Taylor is actually my aunt."

Petra stared at Laika with wide eyes as she was shocked for the second time. She looked and stared down at her uneaten apple for a while... what if Laika told the principal about the bullying? Will it get worse?

"Gee, girl... Petra, why aren't you eating? Here, have some fries." Laika offered as she pushed her tray toward Petra. Petra only shook her head and bit slowly into her apple.

"I'm fine with my apple, thanks though," she answered after swallowing down the apple.

"Hey! You didn't stutter! But seriously, you have to eat, it's unhealthy. Have that cup of yogurt at least."

"I-I'm n-not—"

"I know when somebody lies... look, I was actually considering of talking about this bullying case to my aunt but I don't think you would like it. So please, at least eat... if you eat, I promise I will only tell my aunt when it gets too over the edge," Laika said, her eyes filled with concern. She picked up the cup of berry yogurt and placed it in Petra's hands. "Eat."

So Petra slowly ate.

Maybe that day wouldn't be so bad with Laika around.


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