| Charlie x Male! Reader |

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I've never had a story get so popular so fast- LIKE WOAH Y'ALL! Almost 100 reads and I started this only yesterday, that's crazy. Thank you all so much for reading, voting, and commenting! <3

| King of Hearts |


My heart was never meant to be stolen, I was the King of Hearts. I could get any girl I pleased, yet I set myself up for a challenge that was practically impossible. Alastor, my good friend, had brought me to this lovely little disaster named the 'Happy Hotel'. I didn't quite know what to expect, I knew that it wasn't going to be something that I would genuinely invest in, unlike Alastor who had taken it upon himself to help out with the hotel. I could've been hanging out with my other friends, or out killing people, maybe even flirting with some girls who clearly had interest in me. I'll admit it, I was an attractive demon. I had my very own fan base, unlike my poor friend Al I didn't have them ship me with anyone. Until I met her.

Normally the girls would come chasing me; but little miss princess of Hell of different. I had to chase her.

Charlie was her name, a charming little doll she was. When I first met her I knew she was not going to be someone that would be easy to woo. She had a smile that I now reminisced in. Even though she was someone that was naive, innocent of this cruel world, she still was very oblivious. Every hint and clue I threw her way she picked up as friendship. I was happy being her friend, but I craved more.

When I told Alastor he was starstruck at the revelation that I was infatuated with; nonetheless the princess of Hell. He smiled his usual creepy smile, and told me I should just tell her. Al wasn't known for being good with relationship advice. But I trusted his word more than my very own.

So here I was, head shoved in my pillow. The butterflies in my stomach fluttered loosely as I took in the scent of the hotel. The smell of vanilla and nutmeg calmed me as I watch chaos unfold outside of my window. I can't get that girl out of my head. From her soft gaze, to her rosy red cheeks. One problem stood in my way though, Vaggie. They never said if they were officially dating, but Vaggie seemed especially protective of Charlie whenever I was around. Maybe she didn't trust me? I mean she doesn't trust Al in the slightest, and he's a fairly nice person besides all the murder and cannibalism. 

I pace back and forth trying to think of how I ask Charlie out, do I follow Al's advice and just ask her? Or do I wait til I know her a little better? Fuck it. I wrapped my hand around the handle and I took a breath before opening it. My footsteps were quiet and I made my way to the lobby, nervous the entire time.

There she stood, talking with Vaggie about the hotel I'm fairly sure. "Hello Charlie, Vaggie. Charlie may I speak with you for a bit." My voice was calm, but inside I was panicking. What  if she rejects me? What if I get thrown out of the hotel because of it? Charlie looks up at me with a humble smile. "Sure thing, Y/N!" She took my hand and led me to a paper filled office. This must be Charlie's office...

"So, what do you need to talk about?" Her eyes glowed with interest for the words I was going to speak. "I was wondering if you wanted to join me in some karaoke tonight." I nervously scratched my neck as her smile widened. "I would love to!" Her arms wrapped around me as I felt my face go hot. I've never been this flustered when it come to anyone.

Hours passed and I was ready to head out with Charlie. When we arrived at the karaoke bar I ordered some Jack Daniels and called it a day on liqueur. A man who looked to be a butterfly from where I sat got up on the small lit stage and announced that karaoke was now going to start. Charlie got up from her stool and dragged me with to dance to other people singing about who knows what, and who really cares? Music is something to drown away your regrets and anxieties, and I could use just that.

One by one people got on stage and sang their small barely beating hearts out. The same people who were psychotic killers were also the same people who could sing a breathtaking song to seduce their fellow demons into sex; I knew all their tricks and I couldn't stand them. It's true I used to do the same thing back when I was young and naive, much like my dear Charlie. 

I built up the courage to get up on stage and sing something sweet to Charlie. She'd never heard me sing before, so it was a gift to her ears, well maybe.

(I'm not gonna bother to write down lyrics, if you would like to take a break from reading and listen to this, or listen while you read, then you totally can. oR IF YA WANNA SKIP THE SONG THAT'S COOL TOO!)

I stepped off the stage hearing an applause for me and my singing. The King of Hearts once again stole some unfortunate ladies heart. Charlie ran up to me and pulled me into a tight hug. "That was great! You should sing more often, you have a wonderful voice! Maybe we could sing together?" She asked shyly. My heart, one of which I've stolen before, melted when she spoke. Never before had I felt so strongly about a girl.

I cupped her cheek in my hand and pulled her in for a sweet kiss, that reminded me that it was indeed possible to find love in a place made for the worst of the worst. We may have sinned to be here, but we are pure in our own ways. Charlie was far too kindhearted to be here in Hell, she didn't have a choice in the matter though. If she was originally a human she would've been sent to Heaven. We broke the kiss with a goofy smile placed on both of our faces. 

"I, the King of Hearts, have had my very own stolen by you dear..." I whispered in her ear. Her face lit up like a red light telling me to stop. I didn't want to stop being hers, and her being mine. "I feel the same way." She told me, I couldn't have felt more joy then I did at that moment. I found her hands creep into my very own. A warm and enticing look in her eyes. Lost in them I stood, her beauty was beyond my comprehension. How could someone so vile and evil as I gain the love and affection of someone so sweet and nurturing?

Her head found itself nuzzled into the crook of my neck. It was a comforting feeling. That's when I truly knew this was the gal I was willing to give up life itself for. "You know I really do appreciate your company, right?" I questioned with a small and short lived laugh at the end. She hummed softly in a manner that meant yes. My heart leaped out of my body at this. I never thought I would be here, with her in my arms, and with her genuinely loving me too. 

I pulled her in for one last kiss as we left the car to enter the hotel I called home. "I'll see you tomorrow Y/N!" She called as she ran off to complete work I assumed. I had to run to Al's to scream about how much of a success the date was. 

Sorry this is a bit late and short, I hAD NO IDEAS SO- 

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