| Husk x NB! Reader |

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This one's for my very good friend who loves good ole Husker!


| I Hate the Thought of Loving You |


No one could've prepared Husk for love. He said it himself, he had forgotten how to love. 'I lost the ability to love years ago.'

Husk thought nothing of it when a tall young fox demon walked into the bar and ordered a gin and tonic. "Coming right up." He said in his usual grumpy tone. The fox watched him in amusement as he mixed the fox their drink. "Why you so feisty kitty cat?" They asked teasingly. "Cat got your tongue?" They poked fun at the unimpressed feline. "Oh shut the fuck up." He shot back and continued working his shift. "Hey now, what's your name?" They asked curiously. "Husk, now let me work." Husk was getting annoyed from the constant questioning from the fox, he wanted to hear non of it. "Cute name kitty, my name's Y/N." Husk didn't need to or want to know this foxes name, and he certainly didn't want the compliment they had given to him. Yet he still felt a gentle warmth come to his face. 'Wait a damn minute, am I fucking blushing?'

The rest of Husk's shift the fox stayed nearby to watch and ask the occasional question, it wasn't as bad as it was in the beginning, and he thought that maybe Y/N had learned to slow down on inquiring about Husk and his life. By the end of Husk's shift he actually didn't mind the sly fox and their relentless compliments towards him. It was a rare chance to feel loved once again. Y/N clearly didn't just want to get into his pants, they wanted a friendship, maybe even a relationship. It was obvious that Y/N found Husk attractive, you don't call someone a cutie that you aren't interested in, right? The last time Husk was interested in someone he was lead on, and he just stopped trying to gain love and affection from people, he started gambling and drinking more, and he just felt like a shitty person in general. He couldn't fathom the thought of someone actually having a genuine interest in him. He wasn't anything special; he was an asshole who didn't care about anyone else but himself, right?

No matter how hard Husk tried he couldn't stop thinking about Y/N, he just met them that night, catching feelings was out of the question, right? There was no way in hell that Husk genuinely enjoyed the fox and their sly remarks, their blazing orange fur, the shady smirk they always had when Husk laughed at one of their stupid remarks. Wait a minute. Husk was laughing at things that Y/N had to say, he never laughed. As much as he hated the thought he knew that he had caught feelings for the fox he had only spent 3 hours with. He secretly hoped to see the mischievous visitor that had stolen his attention with no remorse. Husk buried his face into his pillow and sighed.

The morning came and Husk awoke with an exhausted grunt. Even his dreams were filled with the fox that had only known him for 3 hours, before then they were strangers. They had so much in common though. They both liked magic, drinking, hell even mozzarella. Before they had died they were both soldiers. Husk shared some war stories and Y/N did the same, they both died on the field, Husk in battle and Y/N from a land mine. They were both obviously sent for the same reasons, murder. They both had murdered many in war, and it wasn't easy to stop thinking about the poor people who were unable to return to their families, to see their children grow up. It was difficult being able to move past that, this too sparked a heavier drinking problem for Husk, and the same went for Y/N. It was almost impossible how much they had in common. 

Husk sighed sadly as he walked to the kitchen to have breakfast. "Hey Husk! I- W-why do you look so sad?" Charlie's face softened at the sight of Husk so distraught. "Charlie you'll never believe me." He mumbled, his eyes drifting off elsewhere. "What is it?" She asked gently, not wanting to possibly injure the already hurting cat. "So you know when I said that I had forgotten how to love years ago? Well I think I've developed a small crush on someone." He mumbled the last part then his eyes shot open. "You better not fucking tell anyone!" He poked his claw towards Charlie's throat. Charlie looked relieved and excited. "So why are you so sad? Aren't you happy that you actually like someone?" She was dying to know. "Well, I don't know if I will ever see them again, I met them while I was bar tending." Husk shrugged and turned his head away, an agonizing pain filling his heart. Charlie nodded in understanding. "Tell you what, if you tell me their name I will convince them to stay here, or maybe Alastor will! Then you can see them everyday!" Charlie gave a hopeful smile as she spoke. Her plan was very stupid, but Husk was known to accept stupid things. "Their name is Y/N L/N, a blazing orange fox with a constant sly smirk on their pointed face." He spoke fondly of the fox that had swept him off his feet. Charlie's eyes widened at the name. "Husk! They already live here! I checked them in yesterday." Charlie was practically jumping for joy at this point, she probably felt like Cupid at that moment. Husk grew a soft smile when Charlie gasped. "Husk! You smiled!" She danced around screaming about how Husk smiled for the first time ever. That wasn't true, he smiled many times when he was talking with Y/N.

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