Chapter Nineteen - I'm Not Going Anywhere Sweetheart

Start from the beginning

" did you...f...find me?" He continued to take me in and his face was shadowed by fear.

"It wasn't easy Miss Reed..." His voice disappeared as he caressed my cheek with the back of his hand, I was still struggling to get my breath back from almost dying, yet again! I gripped his hand and pushed it away; he swallowed hard and closed his eyes before taking a step towards me. I matched him but in reverse, I took a step back.
"You can't be here! Why won't you just leave me alone?" I shoved a hand through my hair to mostly settle my trembling hands. I turned to leave when he gripped my arm and turned me to face him.

"Please. Just come back...I...need you" his voice was a whisper and I couldn't hold the tears back, he looked so hurt, so lost and so broken! But I couldn't do this anymore! I tried to break out of his grip but he wouldn't let me go. I could no longer tell if it was because of how tight his grip was or if I didn't want him to let me go. "Please...I'm sorry...just give...give me a chance Charlie, come back-"

"No!" I pushed him back and now I could barely see him through the fog of tears in my eyes. "I'm done trying! I'm sick and tired of getting hurt! I don't want to come second for the rest of my life! I don't want to love a man that doesn't love me! Just leave me alone! Please! Just go!"

"I'm not going anywhere." His voice was firm but soft at the same time and I let out a sigh of frustration.

"Then I'll just leave again!" I bit out.

"I'll follow." He stated simply.

"God! What do you want from me?" I threw my arms in the air and he took a step closer, he cupped my face in his hands and I closed my eyes.

"I want you. I always have. I need you Charlie, I need you. If you just give me a chance-"

"I can't..." He released me but only slightly.

"If you need time, then I'll wait. We'll go back whenever you want but I can't be away from you...I can't..."

"I need you to love me like I love you..." That was the last thing I said before leaving. He didn't stop me and I hated the part of myself that wanted him to.

"Hello Miss Reed there was a call for you earlier from Reed real-estate something about information on a property you sold."

"Yes I was expecting it."

"He left a personal number mam" the women handed me a slip with Noel Reed's mobile number on it. I put the questions of how Aaron found me at the back of my mind and dialed the number Noel had left.

"Hi it's me Charlie. I've been...I've been fine uncle, And don't call me that? I could tell he was new, I mean who doesn't know me in this town. I'm the miracle child right, after all I did survive a fire I shouldn't have." I let out a mocking laugh but my uncle caught the sadness in my voice. I hadn't spoken to him in several years, I didn't remember the details but he had attempted to adopt me too or give authority to the Campbell's to anyway but then he turned at the last second. He decided he wanted nothing to do with me and he refused to give permission of guardianship to the Campbell's. I stopped talking to him even though he was family, I never understood his decision because I remembered him. He loved his brother and my mother just like she was his little sister.

He'd bring me toys and treats and sneak me to go get ice cream, but when I needed him he left me to fend for myself. At the time I still believed in my uncle and he sold our home, then after it was bought he changed. I remember the house selling for three times what it was worth and that money was still sitting in a bank account collecting dust. I just couldn't bring myself to ever use it, it felt wrong, it felt like blood money. "Please just stop. I didn't come to you because I wanted a family reunion; it's too late for that. I just need a name and some information. Who bought my house and why haven't they rebuilt it?"

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