Jade: I teleported out before it came down. Let's keep moving. 

Ren: Are you just gonna ignore how you almost died?

Jade: Coming near-death is a part of being a Rose. Just ask me or my mom. Ruby too. 

Ruby: It's true. It's like some sort of curse but we always make it out alive... hurt but alive!

Jade: Hey, guys! I found a sign!

They all look to the source and seen Jade standing next to a sign. 

He had moved the leaves out the way and was crouched in front of it. 

Everyone walked over and stared at it. 

Jade: Any of you know what Oniyuri is?

Ruby: Dem-

Jade: It's about a village. Not demons. 

He couldn't help but smile a little under his mask. 

Ren: I've heard of it...

Mina: You gonna let him explain or... I already told you about it... 

Jade: I'm just gonna let him do him... 

Ren: You might think of it as Anima's Mountain Glenn, had it ever been completed... years ago, the richest of Mistral were unhappy were how the kingdom was being run. Frustrated with the council, they pooled their resources together to build their own city... They hoped that one day, it could even be its own kingdom. Many thought it would be the future. 

Ren walked away and over to a wall. He wiped the dust away and claw marks were seen. 

Ren: I know my parents did... 

Ruby: Grimm...

Ren clenched his fist. 

Jade: We should probably get moving. 

Ren: Yeah, It's not safe here. 

Mina: Nice save.

She said sarcastically. 

Jade: Shut up...

Jade got up and walked over to Ren. 

Jade: We're all friends here. If you ever need someone to talk too. I'm always here. 

Ren: Thanks. I just got a bit emotional... I'm okay now.

Jade: Great. What would we do without our calm ninja? We'd be a bunch of idiots walking through a forest. 

Jade laughed a little and Ren smiled. 

Mina: Nice save! 

He nodded and Mina knew it was for her. 

Ren: Alright, let's get out of here. 

Ren waved to everyone.  

Everyone got moving again. 

Nora slides next to Jade. 

Nora: How'd you do that...!

Jade: What? 

Nora: How'd you get Ren back to normal...?!

Jade: What? All I did was comfort him. It was basic talk to cheer someone up. 

Nora: I suck at that...

He gave her a pat on the head and chuckled a little bit. 

Jade: Don't worry, you can practice on me once we actually get a real place to sleep. 

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