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I just released a new book call RWBY legacy of team FOX. I would appreciate it greatly if you took your time to read this book! You could not, but It'd be a lot cooler if you did.


Jade was sitting on his couch still not able to walk. Pyrrha was next to him and they were holding hands.

Pyrrha: where's Ruby?

Penny 2.0 snakes up to them.

Penny: she went to Arena as extra security. Ah, yes! Pyrrha! Your match is coming up!

Pyrrha: my match? I thought my match with the other Penny was canceled?

Penny rapidly shakes her head.

Penny: it was just out back on!

Jade: what? No, that shouldn't have happened. Pyrrha, I'm gonna have to ask you not to fight her. Your mind has kinda been all over the place for a while...

Pyrrha: I'm fine, I may have been thinking about a lot but it won't get in the way of my fight.

Penny and Jade just stare at her blankly.

Penny: you crushed a can that was next to by accident.

Pyrrha: okay, that was half on purpose as I wanted to scare Jade. I'm in complete control of myself.

Penny and Jade stare at each other.

Jade: Pyrrha...

Pyrrha: I'm fine. Trust me, I can do this.

He has an uneasy feeling about everything.

He wrapped his arms around Pyrrha.

Jade: just listen to me! I don't think this is a good idea at all anymore! There is a group of people trying to destroy Vale, and if you fight Penny and something goes wrong, you'll be playing right into their hand! ...I'm not willing to lose you, or anyone for that matter....

Pyrrha thinks for a while after he lets go of her.

Jade: I'm sorry, I got emotional right there... I think you can do this without anything going wrong. You can go if you want, just please promise me one thing.

Pyrrha: what is it?

Jade: if you think you're being overwhelmed don't be afraid to give up.

Pyrrha: I promise, if things aren't working I won't hesitate to give up. I love you.

Jade: I love you too.

They share a kiss and Pyrrha stands up.

Jade: normally I would just let you go but I can't shake this bad feeling. We should have canceled the Vytal Festival...

Pyrrha: the only bad thing to happen was Yang attacking you.

Jade: that's the thing! I still don't understand why she did it, well I also haven't gotten the chance to talk to her either.

He crossed his arms and a timer went off.

Penny: Jade! You should be able to walk now!

He looked down and immediately ripped the cast apart.

Jade: I won't leave the house but I will walk around!

Pyrrha: good.

She said then walking away.

Jade: there's a little pain but I've dealt with worse.

He stretched and Pyrrha waved goodbye as she walked out the door.

Spiders Mark [discontinued]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora