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It's been another year and jade has been a great superhero so far. But with school starting soon he's limited himself to afternoons and night. But that doesn't matter right now as he was swinging through the city. 

Mina: someone just reported a break in not too far from here. I'll mark it.

He sees a pillar of blue light not too far from him and we web zips and rolls on a building and looks into an ally.

Jade: four guys and no weapons except for a crowbar. Mina call the cops and I'll be done here soon.

Mina: they are on their way.

Jade shoots a web bomb at the group and the two close to walls instantly get pinned. The other two tried to run but ran into web trip mines and get stuck to walls as well.

Jade: as easy as pie.

He gets a call in his visor and picks it up and it's his sister.

Jade: yeah ruby?

He jumps off the building and starts swinging towards his home.

Ruby: I've made a breakthrough with nanotechnology!

Jade: oh god. What is it?

Ruby: so far I've only been able to do something with the backup suit I made for you. But it should just leak out of your web shooters and cover your entire body! Do you know how hard it is to make that not look like metal but look like that super strong cloth I used? But I did it and it works!

She then places the phone down and puts on some web shooters and he sees the suit start to form around her body, it even formed to how she was built. It looks identical to the suit he was wearing now.

Mina: ruby this is amazing! I knew we could do it.

Ruby: I know! I wonder if I could use this for that one project?

Jade: what project?

Ruby: something that you don't need to worry about! But hurry home this suit will be great for school and quickly getting around as a civilian to spider-man!

The suit then goes back into the web shooters leaving ruby in her clothes.

Ruby: where are you anyway?

Jade then flies into his open window and takes off his mask.

Ruby: never mind I heard you.

The call ends and Jade walks out his room and heads to the living room to see his sister standing there.

She takes off the web shooters and tosses them to him. He takes off his old ones and puts them on the table. They went from red to black and he puts them on the bands. He takes off his suit and puts it on the couch.

Jade: do I get it out?

Ruby: just think about it!

He does as she says and after a bit, the suit comes out the shooters and it covers his whole body. The suit feels the exact same.

Mina: there shouldn't be any problems and it should be even more durable since its nanotech.

He then feels tries to take the mask off only for him not to be able to take it off.

Ruby: you have to think about it not being there.

He does so again and the mask receded to the black line on his neck.

Ruby: this is an absolute win!

Jade: you amaze me everyday ruby.

Ruby: don't pretend like you didn't help with some of this.

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