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Lily just finished up her class for the day and a very anxious looking Jaune walks up to her. She had already knew about his crush on her so she sits on her desk.

Lily: yes?

Jaune: I'm not sure if I'm even allowed to ask this but...could we have a study session sometime?

He completely flipped up what he was originally gonna ask and Lily knew it.

Lily: sure. Your grades in my classes have been nice even in combat class...

She was giving him a C for effort even though his skills were bad but improving.

Jaune: also, would you mind catching a movie with me? I've got these two tickets and no one else wanted to go.

He looks around nervous. Lily decided to give the boy a chance.

Lily: sure. It could be fun.

Jaune: oh I thought as- wait? Huh!

He looks to Lily who crossed her legs while smirking.

Lily: you heard me, it could be fun.

Jaune: great! perfect actually! And one more thing....

He gathers up his confidence to pop the big question even though Lily reads him like a book.

Jaune: what about the dance? Would you like to go with me?

Lily: sure Jaune. But get a move on, you've got class still.

Jaune with a huge smile on his face walks out the class room proud.

Jaune: yes! I finally didn't get denied!

Jade: nice job.

Jaune jumped as he sees Jade leaning on the wall next to him.

Jaune: how long have you been standing there?

Jade: time is irrelevant.

Jaune: no! How long.

Jade: time is irrelevant, Jaune.

He grabs him by the shoulders.

Jade: TIME IS IRRELEVANT! Oh, hey Pyrrha.

He let's go of the confused Jaune and starts walking away with Pyrrha.


Back in the dorm room everyone stands in their new outfits. Jade was in his suit with his mask down. He was sitting on Weiss's bed with her in his arms.

Blake: finally I thought class would never end.

Ruby: alright today's the day! The investigation begins!

In the middle of her sentence she jumped off her bed and almost kicked her brother in the face.

Jade: be carful. That would've hurt. Everyone knows their rolls?

Jade and Weiss get off the bed to join everyone in the middle of the floor.

Weiss: me and Ruby will be going to the CCT tower to check the schnee records for any dust robberies or inconsistencies. Seeing that I'm in the family it shouldn't be a problem.

She placed her hand on her hip but her mind goes to another thought.

Blake: I'll be going to a White Fang faction meeting with Jade as my lookout.

Yang: I'll be going to a friend on the shady side of vale.

Jade: I need to arrest that guy after this.

Ruby: great. We'll meet up near Yang to go over what we found. Let's do this.

Sun: yeah!

Everyone looked to the window to see Sun hanging from something. Jade shoots a webline at his chest and pulled him in. He lands on the floor and Jade puts his foot on his chest.

Jade: please tell me what you think your doing here? And why you know how to get up here? I might have to turn you into the police for trespassing, sexual harassment and a few other things.

Sun: chill! Chill! I accidentally found out how to get here! After I was climbing trees! I heard the conversation and thought I could help!

He feels like he's telling the truth so he takes his foot off him and Sun stands up.

Sun: so are we finally going after torchwick again.

Jade: no, he's not the main goal. But it would be nice to put him behind bars sometime soon. But I think you should go. We're trying not to get friends involved.

Sun: what? That's dumb. That's why I brought Neptune!

He points to the window and Jade jumped to the wall to look out.

Jade: you okay?

Neptune: yeah. Definitely.

Jade: I'm gonna cut that tree down.

Neptune: but can I come in...I'm like, crazy high up and terrified right now.

For some odd reason he slips on nothing and falls. Jade was quick to react and shot a web to Neptune's face catching him.

Neptune: thuis wueally uncompuable.

Jade: I can't understand you.

He shot another web to his shoulder and begins pulling him up which was really easy. Once inside the room Jade Rips the webs off Neptune.

Jade: alright new plan!

He stands up with Neptune.

Jade: Sun will go with Blake and I'll go with Yang. Neptune will go with us just for a little extra fire power even though I could take out that club by myself.

Ruby: alright everyone! Let's go!

End of chapter 3 volume 2

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