An Experience (volume 2 end)

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Jade wakes up his head in Pyrrha lap. He sits up and looked around to see everyone sleep.

Jade: what happened?

The lights were off so it was dark in the room but he could still see. All the people in the room were in their pajamas excluding him.

Jade: I'll just let them sleep.

He used his webs to stealthily move upstairs and got two blankets from a closet and went back downstairs. But, he gets an idea out of nowhere. He grabbed Pyrrha and moved her upstairs and put her in his bed then went back downstairs.

Jade: this is a lot of work.

Jade moved Ruby and Yang to a guest room that was downstairs and put them in the bed. He looks over them sleeping peacefully.

Jade: perfect. I'm glad we have hardwood flooring.

He turns around and left the room then returning to his own room.

Jade: shes not woke?

He peeks in the room to find Pyrrha still sleeping peacefully.

Jade: great.

He walked in the room and got in the bed as well. Once he closed his eyes he felt something on him.

Jade: what?

He opened his eyes to see Pyrrha sitting on him.

Pyrrha: you may be sneaky but I noticed you moving me.

Jade: sorry about everything.

Pyrrha: what?

Jade: I don't remember the last three days. The fever I had really messed me up and the last thing I really remember was getting blown up in a warehouse.

Pyrrha: Jade. We're alone in a room and the first thing you do is apologize? This is so like you.

She smiles.

Jade: is that bad? I came up with this but didn't follow through properly.

He starts mumbling about different things.

Pyrrha: Jade, calm down.

Jade: huh, .....yeah. I do need to chill.

He takes a deep breath.

Jade: now, let me follow through on the reason I brought you up here.

Surprising him Pyrrha was the first to act with a kiss.

Jade: oh!

He flipped her off him and pinned her to the bed.

Jade: shall we?


The next day Jade wakes up with Pyrrha on him neither wearing a shirt.

He sits up and puts the blanket over Pyrrha.

Jade: well. That was great!

He flipped over to his closet and got out stuff for a shower.


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