life update

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dear everyone,

so i haven't written in this book for over a year but i just have some things i want to say.

this book did so much for me.

i was in total denial of my sexuality when i first started writing this book, but i knew writing for beverly would get me more reads so i said fuck it. i eventually started to like writing for beverly and that helped me come to terms with being bisexual.

also, this book showed me how much fun writing could be, and how much i loved doing it.

now, i'm applying to writing schools to major in creative writing in college.

this sounds so cheesy and stupid and dramatic but making this wattpad account changed my life. it's like i started this for fun and then people liked my writing. my writing! you liked it! and you were encouraging and kind and accepting. it was so insane to me. thank you so much to everyone who left so much positive feedback on here and showed me so much love. it changed my life.

i don't know if i'm ever going to update on here again. maybe i will, maybe i'll leave it how it is.

but, sincerely, thank you.

i think that my time with the losers club has come to an end. it was fun, and (don't get me wrong) i will never not be in love with mike hanlon. haha.

so remember. we'll all always be losers. no matter what. i love you guys.

with love,

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2020 ⏰

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