they hear you sing

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even if you aren't a good singer they stiLL have the same reactions because they love you and everything you do.

-is literally just
-says "i-i didn't k-know you could s-s-sing" really quietly
-your making him blush stop
-is actually so in love with you it's not funny
-is quiet for a second
-"c-can you s-sing again"

-"bitch what the fuck"
-"why have i never heard you sing before, angel?"
-gives you song requests all the time
-sometimes he'll come to your house when he can't sleep and he'll have you sing for him

-"you can SING?"
-"do it again."
-literally just stares at you and falls even more in love with you
-will sometimes call you so you can sing to him because it calms his asthma down?

-you were singing really softly to the song on the radio
-he turned the music down so you stopped singing
-"no keep singing"
-you kept singing and DAMN
-doesn't want you to stop
-actually impressed

-sings with you
-your THAT couple
-after the song is over he says "baby i didn't know you could sing"
-so happy he has someone to sing with
-now you guys never shut up and your always singing duets
-it's ok because everyone loves it

-doesn't even say anything just listens
-upset he didn't know you could sing earlier
-now he always plays the song you were singing to so he can hear you sing again
-never really says anything

-ATTEMPTS to sing with you
-you guys sing like 12 songs together
-then she shuts up so she can listen to you

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