you get your period

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so this is like if you were asleep and you got your period on their bedsheets while you were spending the night

-calls Beverly
-she says to make you some food and get you a change of clothes
-that's exactly what he did
-made you ramen, put on a movie, and gave you one of his flannels and some sweatpants to wear
-cuddles you all day

-chill about it
-picks you up and carries you to the couch
-puts the sheets in the washer
-surprisingly doesn't make a big deal
-goes and finds a pad from his moms cabinet
-when you wake up you ask if you got blood on anything
-says no because he doesn't want you to feel bad
-hits u up with some Advil

-freaks out
-you wake up because he's wheezing
-"eds are you ok? what happened?"
-just looks down at the sheets
-"oh my god I'm so sorry Eddie I didn't know my period was coming"
-washes the sheets like a good boi
-when he's calmed down he says he's sorry for freaking out
-hugs you for like 15 minutes because he feels bad

-honestly Stan loves you so much it's not even funny
-runs a hot shower for you and let's you take as long as you need
-makes you your favorite food and gives you one of his sweatshirts and sweatpants to wear
-when you finally figure out that you got blood on his bed you apologize
-kisses you
-"don't apologize. it wasn't your fault"
-just cuddles with you and keeps telling you how much he loves you

-the sweetest boy you will ever meet™
-ATTEMPTS to take the sheets off the bed without waking you up
-bye you woke up
-you see what the FUCK you did
-picks you up and hugs you
-"it's ok baby doll. it's a bodily function. it's perfectly fine."

-oh no
-a mix between bill and Eddie
-shook, doesn't know what to do, and panicking
-calls Richie of all people
-Richie giving good advice? what?
-Richie tells him to put some clothes in the dryer so they're warm and then give you junk food
-feels sooooo bad for you

-your periods are synced so you BOTH get blood on her bed👏
-she wakes up first
-literally thinks it's the funniest thing ever
-you wake up because she's laughing
-doesn't make a big deal, puts the sheets in the dryer then makes food
-cuddles you for the rest of the day

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