when they realize theyre in love

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-you fell asleep with your head on his lap
-the whole losers club was there
-he just sat there and stroked your hair and admired you
-not in a creepy way tho
-he just kinda knew right then that he was in love with you

-at the arcade
-he was frustrated with a game and you came and beat it on your first try
-you turned around, winked, then walked away
-was in awe
-thought "god fucking damn i love her"

-he was just looking at you when you were putting your hair into a pony tail
-the sun was shining on you
-you absolute fucking queen
-thought "holy shit i'm in love with her"

-you were in class and you were sitting next to each other
-you got in trouble for talking to much so the teacher moved you across the room from each other
-you were both laughing silently and you looked at him and smiled
-it was like someone just switched something on in his brain and he's just in love with you now

-bowers was messing with him
-you tapped henry on the shoulder and when he turned around you punched him in the face
-you grabbed mikes hand and ran
-when you were far enough away you turned to him and grabbed him by the shoulders
-"are you ok?"
-at that point he knew he was in love with you
-just pulled you into a hug

-you were on a study date
-you were both reading and you started randomly kicking each other under the table?
-you both start laughing and the librarian shushed you
-you looked at him over your book and smiled and giggled a little
-bye he's gone
-literally just the heart eyes emoji

-she was having a really bad day because of her dad
-she couldn't stay at her house for her own safety
-she didn't know where to go so she came to your house
-you let her in and comforted her
-you were laying with her in your bed and right before she fell asleep she realized she was in love with you

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