random things we dont know about them

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he isn't allowed to use the oven at his house because one time he caught brownies on fire.

he's a super fast runner. like he won the mile run at school out of everyone in his grade. finally his long legs can do him good.

he goes to a tutor every wednesday in the school year because he was failing math.

he's like best friends with this old lady who lives near him and he goes to her house a lot and she gives him girl advice.

he's a really slow reader. like he doesn't have dyslexia or anything, but since he's homeschooled and his grandpa was always busy with the farm he kinda had to teach himself, so he was never really taught properly.

he looooves to stargaze. like he has a ton of books about stars and constellations and on clear nights he'll go in his backyard and lay on a blanket and look at the stars. aw.

she won the spelling bee in 4th grade and she still has the ribbon pinned on her wall.

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