Pay Attention! Stop Playing Around!

Start from the beginning

Slade P.O.V.

This is so boring why do I need to know this when in life would I use the formula for pie never thats when. 'Why do you look like you need to take a shit' said Tyler through our mind link 'shut up I'm just bored like why do we need to know this' I said 'you know if you don't pay attention Kylie will get mad that she is going to be doing all the work trying to help you out' said Tyler 'you're right, but come on this is boring' I said 'stop whining you sound like a baby' said Lucy 'I though this is just you and I on this mind link why is lucy here' I ask 'well you are loud when you whine' said Lucy I look at Tyler who was smirking holding Lucy's hand I roll my eyes I close the link and got about to paying attention.

45 mins later

"I need food like now" said Tyler "Lunch isn't until later you have to wait" said Lucy "but I'm hungry" said Tyler "you're always hungry buttercup I have chips in my locker if you want them" said Kylie "how you do that" said Tyler "I need to drop off some papers at the office and I saw you guys coming out I thought I come say hi" said Kylie I grab her waist as we were walking to our next class I love the way she smells "well cupcake thank you I need food I'll get you some chips after school" said Tyler Kylie nod we part ways Lucy went to her class, Tyler went Kylie's locker I walking with Kylie since the office is close to my next class "how's your day going so far" ask Kylie "it's going wish I was with you right now" I said "do you want me to go to class and tell your teacher that Ms. Baker needs you" said Kylie "thats amazing can you do that" I ask "yeah let me just drop this off for Ms. Baker and I'll go get you just make sure you have your work" said Kylie I nod she walk off to the office while I walk to my class. I sat in my chair waiting for Kylie to arrive the teacher came in close the door behind him "alright everyone take out last night homework and past it forward" said Mr. Robert I grab my bag and took out my homework come on Ky where are you I want to go. I pass my homework forward when the door open "hi Mr. Robert sorry to interrupt your class, but Ms. Baker need Slade in the library" said Kylie "ok you coming in isn't interruption you were my best student Slade please go with Ms. Kylie here" said Mr. Robert  I growl under my breathe Kylie raised an eyebrow "can he have the work he would have to do today" ask Kylie "of course" said Mr. Robert he handed her the work "thank you" said Kylie I grab my stuff and went out the door with Kylie. We got out of the classroom "did you really just growl at your teacher" said Kylie I grab her hand gave it a kiss "yes I didn't like what he said to you" I said "hm he was my favorite teacher too he taught me everything I know about history which is my favorite subject " said Kylie "still don't like it that he call my girl his favorite student" I said we got closer to the library "who said I'm yours I am my own person" said Kylie "yeah you are, but you are my mate, my girlfriend, and my love so yeah you are mine; but I do not own you you are just the love of my life" I said "aw stop that was so sweet" said Kylie. Kylie was about to open the door when I ran in front of her "you shouldn't be opening your own door when I'm around" I said "you don't always have to open the door for me I can do it myself" said Kylie she walk in the library "I know, but I like to open the door for you I want to treat you like the princess you are" I said "alright lover boy she got you out of class no need to kiss her ass anymore" said Ms. Baker Kylie laugh "hey I love this girl and if it turns me into a mushy mess so be it" I said Kylie rolled her eyes I growl "shut up go find a seat while I go get some books for your work" said Kylie I'll get her back for that. I sat down at a table close to the checkout counter Kylie came back "ok lets get this work done and maybe you won't have to homework later on today" said Kylie. 

Kylie P.O.V.

I sat cross from Slade ready to get this work done, but we all know how he is when it comes to working together. "Ok should we start with the work we have now or get the last two classes you have work I can ask Ms. Baker to get it for you" I said "we can do the work we have here my other classes I don't do much in it so we don't have to worry" said Slade "ok" I said "now how are you a senior if you don't go to class" ask Slade "well you see if you're as smart as me you don't need to go to class all the time" I said "excuse me miss smarty pants, thats hot" said Slade I smile we got to working on his classwork he insist that we do his classwork so he had homework I can help him with at home. As I was trying to explain the plague that hit europe Slade was trying to play footies with my foot "quit it or I'll stop helping you" I said stepping on his feet "but this is boring Ky" said Slade "what do you want me to do this is history its not suppose to be happy or fun" I said "but its boring" said Slade "fine if you get this page down I'll sit next to you would that help" I ask "yes it would" said Slade smirking, you know some time I want to just slap his smirk off his face like do you ever just have that feeling of just wanting to just slap someone for no reason just because you want to because same. Ms. Baker walks in from the back "are you guys working" ask Ms. Baker I look at Slade waiting for him to answer, because this man is still playing footies with me I will step on his feet so hard its going to turn black and blue "yeah Ms. Baker thank you for getting me out of class" said Slade "oh you're so welcome anything for my girl" said Ms. Baker I put my foot on top of his to keep them in place. "Ok I let you guys get back to work" said Ms. Baker she left I turn to look at Slade "look here mister if you keep playing around I'll have second thought of coming to your house later on today" I said "ok I'll finish this page cause I want you next to me right now" said Slade. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2022 ⏰

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