23. Karma

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Crowne Plaza Hotel Downtown
4:23pm Seattle, WA

"Take your head out of your ass and get me some answers!"

I stopped trying to pretend like this wasn't the funniest thing I've seen today. I was sitting on my bed in my current hotel room while I watched Lydia pace back and forth. She's been on the phone with multiple sources trying to find her mother. After she was released from the hospital, her brother gave us the last known address he had for her. Which, unfortunately, was Schick Shadel Hospital. Lydia was able to find out her mother was here on a court order five years ago. She was supposed to attend a ninety-day treatment plan and left after five days.

Since her mother disregarded the court order, there was a warrant out for her arrest. Like many others who were wanted by the police, they tried to stay under the radar. Since her last check-in at the rehab hospital, there is no known address or phone number.

Which brings us to this precise moment. I've been sitting here patiently, watching this beautiful woman argue with countless operators, police officers, and doctors. No sightings or anything. I had to admit, I was proud of Lydia. After all, we were back in her hometown. Not only that, but we were ten minutes from her childhood home. Her childhood home where she was beaten, starved, and...taken advantage of.

I will never forget that day when I heard her arguing with her brother. I had just found her and was walking up behind her to take her back to the hospital. Well, first I wanted to throat punch her brother for talking to her like he was. Then I was going to drag her back to the hospital. Kicking and screaming if necessary. I was just about to reach her when I heard it: "That sick bastard deserves to rot in hell! He almost killed our mother that night. Or what about the multiple times he snuck into my bedroom and assaulted me!"

Her words were like a knife to the gut. I froze where I stood. I couldn't move, I couldn't breathe...nothing. The anguish that was in her voice paralyzed me. That was until she came barreling into me.

After we left the hospital, she seemed in better spirits. I don't know if it was because of the new level ground she formed with her brother or the sudden urge to find her mom. I've honestly been a little worried about her obsession. But, I promised I would help her and that's what I'm doing. Well, that's what I was trying to do, anyway. Apparently, there was a limit.

"Babe, please let me call Anne. She can get--"

"No," Lydia interrupted me, yet again. "I want to do this my way. I know I asked for your help but with all the legal stuff going on in-- Yes? Hello? No, I'm here."

I groaned and fell back on the bed as the operator returned to the line and Lydia started her normal rant. One thing I really enjoyed these past two days was that Lydia and I have gotten closer. Closer as in, she's been opening up to me more. She's more honest about her feelings. We also decided to make this "official". After my little tirade in the hospital, it seemed to come down to are we or aren't we? But, the one thing I won't do is rush her into anything she doesn't want to do. Which is why, here in Seattle, we have two separate rooms. As usual. There is an adjoining door though, which I enjoyed when I snuck up on her.

"Assholes!" She yelled and I heard her throw the phone on the floor.

I let out a long breath as I sat up on the bed and met her stare. "What's the matter, beautiful?" She didn't seem to mind that pet name; and for some reason, I couldn't stop saying it.

"Nothing. We've been here for over a day and we don't have any leads."

I gave her that same knowing look and she crossed her arms over her chest. "No, Sean," she said because she knew what I was thinking. "Give me one more day of trying it my way. Then, if it doesn't work, we can call in the big guns."

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