20. Like Ice

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11:30am Saturday July 17th
Boudin Bakery on the Embarcadero
San Francisco, CA

"Lydia, patience is a virtue."

"Not right now it isn't," I quipped as I continued to impatiently tap my fingers on the table inside of Boudin Bakery. We arrived in San Francisco at ten o'clock this morning.

After the night at the beach in San Diego, we had a talk about what this was. Sean was just as worried about our friendship as I was, but I had to agree with him on one thing: we couldn't keep ignoring this connection between us. But we refused to put a label on anything. Weren't going to "think too much into it"; his words, not mine. I still had my freak-out moments. Mainly because, he's the only person I've ever felt anything for. The only person I've actually kissed. Most importantly, he's the only person who's ever made me feel like it's okay to be who I am.

"You're cute when you're impatient. Did you know that?" He asked with that same smirk that makes me melt.

"No, I didn't," I replied as I held back my own smile.

He reached across the table and took my hand in his. "Well, you are extremely cute when you're impatient."

Unable to hold back my smile any longer, my mouth curved upward. "Thank you," I said.

It took a minute for me to notice that I had calmed down. This wasn't the first time he's been able to do that. It was almost as if his touch or his voice, soothed me when I got worked up.

He was studying my face and I could tell he knew my mind was doing that crazy ping pong ball thing when I got uncomfortable and was trying to work something out internally.

He let go of my hand and sat back in his chair. Surprisingly, he didn't seem put off by my ordeal. In a way, he knew what I was dealing with and accepted it completely.

"Here you are. Sorry about the wait. I hope you guys enjoy!"

I looked down at my Granola & Yogurt with my side of sourdough bread and my mouth watered. Sean had ordered something called the Dessert Waffle. It had strawberries, whipped cream, Nutella Hazelnut Spread and powdered sugar.

"That thing is huge," I said as I eyed the massive meal.

He scoffed as he took a bite and moaned with pleasure. "Huge...and delicious."

He looked down at my small meal with a frown. "Lydia, are you sure that's enough food for you?"

"Yes, it's fine. After all, I came here for the sourdough." I bite into the soft, fresh dough and couldn't hold back my sigh of delight. "Better than I thought it would be."

Sean got through about half of his waffle before he held out a bite for me on his fork. "Here. Try it."

I held his stare as I leaned forward and wrapped my mouth around the fork. I noticed his sharp intake of breath as he watched me pull the food off. I leaned back in my chair as I chewed it.

He stayed like that for a minute, arm still extended.

"You're right, it's delicious." I said with a knowing smile.

Coming out of his trance, he cleared his throat. "See? I told you."

It didn't take long before finished our meal and walked out of the restaurant.

"Well, milady, you've had your sourdough. Now, what would you like to do?"

 Now, what would you like to do?"

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