10. I Smell Bullsh*t

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Thursday July 9th
8:30am Montgomery, AL

There was a knock at my hotel room door, letting me know our breakfast I ordered was here. I ordered omelets and bacon for both of us. I was nervous about taking Sean the food. After our almost-kiss yesterday, I didn't really know if I should bring it up to him or not.

If I was being honest with myself, I had no idea what I felt for him. I'm still dealing with a lot and trying to figure stuff out. He's the only real friend I've ever had.

I walked to our adjoining door, and knocked slightly. When I didn't hear anything, I opened the door and stepped inside. Sean had his back to the door and looks like he was packing up some of his clothes.

"Hey, I got breakfast."

When he turned towards me, my eyes went wide. He looked like he barely got any sleep. His hair was disheveled, his eyes were bloodshot, and he looked like he could barely stand.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, just didn't sleep well. Nothing to worry about," he said. Unfortunately, I've gotten to know him enough to call bullshit.

"Wow," I said as I crossed my arms over my chest, "Your first lie to me."


"Is this about last night?"

His features seemed to soften at my question. "No, it isn't."

"Then what?"

He let out a long breath and ran his hands through his hair. "Remember the phone call I got last night? Well, I went down to the front desk and it was my assistant. Apparently, the crazy ex I told you about went by my apartment again and saw you and I leaving."

I didn't like where this was headed, but I remained silent until he finished.

He started pacing as he continued, "My assistant got a restraining order against her, which is good. But there's something about this girl. I think she's tracking me somehow."

Well, that explained why he couldn't sleep. I wouldn't be able to either knowing some crazy person was following me. "Are you sure she's tracking you?" I asked.

"I have no idea. It's a feeling. I asked my assistant to have the cops try to locate her."

"Well, that's good then."

He stopped and gave me a worried look. "Listen, I don't want you to get caught in the middle of this. I can get you a plane ticket to wherever you-"

"No," was my immediate response.

His expression was serious when he said, "I won't let you get hurt over this."

His statement gave me that same butterfly feeling that I've felt before. Pushing it aside, I said, "Sean, I'm not going to get hurt. We don't even know if she left New York City. Look, if you don't want me here, I'll leave." I sighed as I added, "Ever since I was little, I never felt like I was free to make my own choices. You helped me realize that I can. I choose to stay on this crazy adventure we've started. Now, do you want me to leave?"

"No, I don't," was his automatic response

I gave him a smile and motioned to the breakfast that probably grew cold. "Good. Now, can we please eat our breakfast? Because, if I remember correctly, you promised me an awesome weekend in NOLA. You know, since you got me lost in a state park."

Some of the tension seemed to ease out of him at he laughed at my statement. He walked over to the bed and sat beside me, where we ate our breakfast in that same comfortable silence.

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