11. The Cat's Meow

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7:48pm Maison Dupuy Hotel

We got back to the hotel around six o'clock after we finished going where Lydia wanted. I had to say, she wasn't the only one completely mesmerized when we visited the St. Louis Cathedral. The large white building and its triple steeples was almost archaic and classic. We learned about the historical significance of it, going all the way back to 1727. It was named after the sainted King of France, Louis IX and was the first building in New Orleans that was made of "brick between posts".

The St. Louis Cemetery No. 1 was also a sight worth seeing. Almost as old as the St. Louis Cathedral, it was established in 1789. We got to see the crypt of Voodoo Queen Marie Laveau and even the future tomb for Nicholas Cage, which was a large white pyramid.

Now, it was time for our dinner. I couldn't help but feel nervous as I looked at my reflection in the mirror. Even though I told Lydia this wasn't a "date" date, it still felt that way. When we first met, I was looking for a friend. Not only did I finally find a real one who saw me as Sean Williams and not just a rich guy, but one who, to me at least, was pure with a good heart and an amazing spirit.

I still didn't know what I felt for her or what it meant. I didn't want to force anything or try to figure it out. We were friends and if anything was going to happen, it would be naturally. Aside from the almost-kiss, I sometimes caught her when her gaze lingered on me with hidden interest. I know it scared her. Hell, it scared me too. But I had no intention of making her feel any more uncomfortable than she already was. Most importantly, I didn't want to push her away. When it comes down to it, if we only stayed friends, that was fine with me. She was an amazing friend.

Taking a final look in the mirror, I straightened my collar on my white dress shirt. I was wearing one of my Armani suits, hoping I looked okay. Grabbing my wallet and room key, I headed to Lydia's room.

When I told her I wanted to take her to a nice dinner, she was adamant about going out and getting something nice to wear. I was itching with anticipation to see what she purchased as I knocked on her hotel room door.

When she opened it, I felt my jaw drop slightly as I took in her appearance. She was wearing a dark red dress that fit her perfectly. It went down to her thighs and was longer in the back. She wore her hair loose and curly this time, with light makeup on her face.

"Sean?" She said with a grin.

"Sorry, it's just-You look beautiful."

"Thank you," she said as she looked away. That was a nervous habit she had, and I loved seeing it.

When she took a step back to turn the light off, I noticed she wasn't wearing her boot. Instead, she was wearing a pair of red strappy heels. Damn. Clearing my throat, I asked, "No boot?"

"Nope. I think it was just twisted or something. It's way better now. A couple twinges here and there."

"Good, I'm glad." She came back to the door and I offered her my arm. "Shall we?"

"Absolutely," she said with a smile, linking her arm in mine."

It took us about ten minutes to walk to Brennan's and since I made a reservation, we didn't have to wait long. They sat us on the terrace, and I watched as Lydia looked around at all the lights and people.

"Good evening, I'm Sam and I'll be taking care of you tonight," the waiter said. "May I start you off with some wine?"

I glanced to Lydia, waiting for her answer.

She smiled to the young man and answered, "Yes, can we have some Moscato, please?"

"Yes, ma'am. I'll be right back with that."

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