"Let's go. We're going back to the hospital." He wrapped one of my arms around his neck as he helped me walk to the car.

"I'm coming too," I heard Michael say from behind us. He must have followed me.

"Not a chance in hell," was Sean's threatening response.

I vaguely felt Sean putting me into the car and their voices became muffled. I tried to listen to what they were arguing about, but I couldn't do anything except surrender to darkness.

7:21pm Sunday July 18th
Saint Francis Memorial Hospital

I woke up with a frown as my head throbbed.

"There she is. Our little Houdini. Not many people can give me the slip."

I looked to the left and Sean was sitting in the chair beside my hospital bed. "How long have I been out?"

He leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees. "Few hours. They said your blood pressure spiked and you had some serious vertigo. But, you'll be okay."

I let out a long breath as I remembered fighting with my brother. "Is he here?" I asked as I looked back to Sean.

His expression hardened. "Yes. We argued about him coming with us. But, in the end, I just wanted to get you back here. He's in the waiting room."

I remember the look on Michael's face when I dropped the bombshell on him about what our father did to me. I always thought he knew what happened.

"Can you get him for me? I...need to talk to him." I needed to know if he knew what had happened to me or not. More than that, I needed closure.

"Yeah, sure." Sean rose from his chair and headed for the door.

"Wait," I said and he paused with his hand on the handle. "When you found me at my brothers-- How much did you hear?"

His expression softened and my heart sank. His face didn't show pity, like I feared. It was concern. For me.

"I'm going to get your brother. If you need me to kick him out, let me know."

He left the room and I covered my face with my hands. I wasn't mad that he knew what happened to me. I was probably going to end up telling him at one point. But, I didn't like the way he found out.

Not even two minutes later, Michael came in the door.

He remained quiet for a moment as he sat in Sean's vacant chair. "Did-- did dad really do that to you?"

I looked away from him, unable to answer his question.

"I'm so sorry, Lydia. We had no idea. Did mom know?"

A bitter laugh escaped me. "Oh, she knew. But she always called me a liar."

"I...I see everything that happened differently now," he said with an edge to his voice.

I glanced over at him and he was fisting and unfisting his hands. He looked up at me and I was surprised at his expression. I think that was the first time I've ever seen love in his eyes.

"I'm going to make this right," he vowed. "I'm sorry, Lydia. Alex and I should have tried to find you. I can't change the past, only what I do now and in the future." He hesitantly reached forward and grasped my hand in his. "I'm your brother, I think it's time I start acting like it."

"I'm sorry, too," I said to him. "I should have tried to find you guys. I just thought-"

"Enough of the past. We're going to start over." He glanced away before looking back at me. He obviously had something uncomfortable to tell me. "You should know, Alex joined the military. We've been estranged since we got out of foster care. Perhaps we should try to bring the three of us back together."

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