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Eris pressed her lips together. "I'm not sure. He might not know who Ophelia really is. He thinks she's an Inhuman, after all. She could be playing him just like she played us."

"And she called herself Madame Hydra?"

She nodded. "She thinks the Ten Rings will be the next Hydra."

"Could it?"

Eris wasn't sure how to answer. The woman had offered her a position there. In creating a new Hydra, following in the footsteps of her father. Maybe even outdoing him. She only shook her head. "I don't know."

Sam and Natasha had come back with the confessions of the messenger. Khandil was still in the city, though the man they'd tracked down didn't seem to know why. Waiting for more Inhuman transport, maybe. Or weapon deliveries.

Or he was waiting for her.

Eris didn't voice that concern aloud.

"What do you know about her, Schmidt?" Natasha asked.

"I think we knew each other once."

"As in?"

She dropped her gaze. "She was my handler."

Steve flinched at that. She knew the term was sensitive, especially in relation to Bucky. But she didn't know how to explain it better. Whatever Ophelia had been... she'd started as her handler first. What she became afterward didn't matter.

Eris tried to convince herself of that.

"If we find Khandil, will we find Ophelia?"

"She's still working with him, so yes. I'd assume so."

Natasha nodded, arms crossed, face tight in concentration. Eris dared glance over at Steve to see he shared the same look. She quickly dropped her gaze. The memory of him holding her close yesterday was still fresh; the weakness she'd shown after escaping Ophelia.

He'd admitted she was his weakness. But what if he was hers too? Because if Ophelia found out... it could become dangerous. Treacherous.

Eris tried to banish that thought.

Sam shook his head. "I don't know, Shadow-girl. It all sounds pretty sketchy to me."

Eris closed her eyes. She tried to think of a good way she could get it all figured out. Between Ophelia and Khandil, there didn't seem to be many options. They'd be hunting them. Hunting her.

She blinked. "What if..."

Steve looked up. Eris swallowed hard.

"What if I was the bait?"


She looked at him. "Khandil said himself. He'd love nothing more than the daughter of the Red Skull in his employment."

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