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Khandil turned and moved down the stairs, leaving them gazing at an empty hallway. Steve was so tense at her side, Eris wondered for a moment if he would shatter.

Then the man started forward. She grabbed his arm and pulled him to a stop.

"Steve, what are you doing?"

"He knows we're here."

"Which is why we think for a second."

"Eris—" He yanked away and she stepped back. His eyes flickered apologetically. "Find Nat's contacts. Then see if you can find a way down."

"Where are you going?"

"If he wants confrontation, he'll get confrontation."

"I can't believe I'm the one saying this, Rogers, but is that really a good idea?"

"Eris," Steve clenched his jaw. "Just... find the others. Find a way down. If Sam and Nat are down there, they're in trouble."

"With the Inhumans?"

"Let's hope not."

Eris leaned back on her heels and forced herself to nod. Steve looked torn for a moment, then brushed his hand against hers, nodding and turning away. She watched as he vanished down the stairs.

"Be... careful."

Her words fell on empty air. The pit in her stomach got bigger and the shadows underneath her skin began to whisper. But Eris forced them down and started the other way, searching the crowd for the other two.

She couldn't shake Khandil's smile from her mind.

If the man wants confrontation...

Eris spotted Hunter and Bobbi standing near the edge of the room. Her anxiety must have been on her face because the second they saw her, they both straightened. Hunter stepped forward.

"Schmidt? What is it?"

"Khandil knows were here. Mission's compromised."

Bobbi glanced around. "And Nat?"

"Not answering."

"The Captain?"

"Gone after Khandil."

Hunter arched a brow. "And us, love?"

"Khandil's in the basement," Eris said. "Where the Inhumans are supposed to be."

"So we get to face the crazies. Wonderful."

She pressed her lips together. The two exchanged a look and Bobbi shrugged, pulling two metal rods from holsters at her side. "Wouldn't be our first Inhuman encounter."

Somewhere in the distance, there was a gunshot.

They all three spun around.

And chaos erupted through the casino.

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