Chapter 1

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I laid there on the metal table, shivering slightly from the cool breeze that settled in the room. I was still completely naked and I wished he would've let change into at least a T-Shirt, but even then I was expecting too much. This is Caine we're talking about. He doesn't give a shit about me or anyone else for that matter. Why did he have to cut my shirt? It was the only thing that kept me warm in this freezing cold room. He could've easily lifted my shirt, but still I didn't want him seeing me naked. It didn't matter if he had seen me like this a million times. I still felt uncomfortable and violated.

Speaking of Caine..I can't believe he wants me to work for him? What made me him give me this opportunity? What will I be doing? He did say something about doing his dirty work. I hope that he knows I'm not killing anyone innocent or not. He must be crazy to think I'm not going to use this as an opportunity to escape. Hopefully, he doesn't accompany me. If he really let me go alone or with a group. I'll hit the jackpot. The thought of leaving this hellhole makes me feel warm in the inside. I do know one thing if I'm going to escape then I need to be careful and think this through. All it would take is one slip up and I'd be dead. Trying to escape from Caine's various apartments/condos etc is impossible. Every door and window is completely escape proof and locked. Also, I was anxious to know of these "precautions" Caine planned to take. If he was willing to let me be in the outside world. He must have a few tricks up his sleeve.

I shifted in this uncomfortable position. My body ached from all the pain I had to endure along with my stiff numb limbs. My back was still healing along with my knife wound from the crazy intruder but that didn't mean they weren't sensitive. It was times like these were I wish I didn't open my mouth to be defiant. It was so hard to hold my tongue when I hated Caine with every fiber of my being. While he's enjoying the fresh air and sunshine. I'm sitting in a basement rotting away. It was so backwards. I didn't deserve this at all. Tears burned in the back of my eyes and I sniffled. "Don't you start crying now.."

I blinked back the tears that threatened to fall from my eyes. I wanted my freedom. I wanted to have a normal life. Why is he in the way of that? I squeezed my eyes shut and took several deep breaths. I felt completely drained and exhausted. I didn't open my eyes because I ended up falling into an unexpected restless slumber.

I woke up to the sound of a loud noise.. but not just any noise. It sounded like something was hitting a hard object over and over again. I sleepily opened my eyes and surveyed the empty room in confusion. Where is that coming from? I furrowed my eyebrows at the unusual sound. Now, that I'm fully awake it sounded like the noise only increased in volume.

My eyes widened when I was able to finally distinguish the distant female moans. I must be imagining things. I listened out this time and sure enough I heard it again. I shook my head in disbelief. I'm over here starving, naked, dirty, in pain and lying on a fucking piece of metal. While, he's having sex with a random female like everything is all dandy. Typical Caine. He's such an inconsiderate ass.

It turns out the thumping noise was the headboard hitting the wall. I guess in Caine's loft the basement was underneath or close to the bedroom or something. For the next 2 hours that's all I could hear. No matter how hard I tried to block it out. It was too overpowering and it made me become angrier and angrier.

I was fuming by the time Caine sauntered through the door of the basement. He was completely shirtless with only a pair of sweatpants hanging off his hips. His toned stomach and tattoos were on display. He had a cigarette dangling from his lips with a T-Shirt balled up in his hand. "Look who's awake at this time of night." He observed with a lazy smirk.

I glared at him, my eyes blazing with fury. "It's not like I had much of a choice. While you're over here having sex with a random female. I'm suffering in pain." I snapped as I craned my neck up in his direction. I ignored the fact that I was still naked and kept my attention on him.

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