-The Black Room and Beth-

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Everything was dark and cold. I wouldn't say I was in hell nor heaven, but I didn't know what to call this place. 

It was a room like place, an endless room that was black in every direction I turned. I just wanted to get back to Scott and everyone else. The thing is I wasn't even sure if I was alive or somewhere stuck in between death and life. I hope I'm just unconscious and still alive, because God knows what Scott would do. 

I was currently sitting in Indian style on the black floor, trying to not think of anything depressing so I wouldn't cry for the hundredth time. Just the thought of everything that had happened to me over the past two years had tears welling in my eyes and then the whole not remembering my past. Then the thought of the situation I was in now, that alone had me crying. Now throw in the chance of never getting out if here and never seeing Scott again, that had me sobbing and wailing.

I curl up into a ball and begin to cry again, crying out of self-pity because I probably would never see anyone ever again. Because I was fairly positive I was stuck in the place between life and death for the rest if eternity.

* * *

I woke from my sleep, groggy but I felt this numbness. I didn't feel anything, I didn't emotionally feel anything. Every tear I had shed before I had fallen asleep could have been my last because I didn't feel sad, scared, happy, angry, or anything. I was just numb.

I stood and looked around at the "room" that held me captive and kept me away from those I cared for and that cared for me. Nothing had changed from before I fell asleep, everything around me was still black, but still I was able to see around me. 

Just another day in the Black Room...

* * *

It seemed like hours had passed me by. Then as time flew by, days must have passed, then weeks, months, possibly even years. I couldn't keep track of time in the Black Room because I found that I only wore a billowing black dress with my hair falling around my face and down my back. No watch, window to see the sunset, no clock anywhere. I felt myself lay back and stare up into blackness. 

They should have those glow in the dark stars up there... whoever they are...

And time here passed by like this, nothing spectacular happening, noting catching my attention, nothing leaving me thinking there was a way out...

* * * 

She wore a beautiful yellow sundress that went down to her knees and white flats to accompany her summer theme. Her hair was in a waterfall braid ad the two pieces were connected with a sunflower clip. She didn't like wearing make up, saying, "God didn't make every girl as beautiful as they are to put chemicals on their faces!" when told she should wear make up to complete the look. 

My sister was beautiful, and I just hoped when I got to her age that I would be just as beautiful. Her name was Bethany, but we all called her Beth for short. She was going to be a Junior at the time and was preparing for school to start. 

That year, I was to start the 6th grade, and I was nervous. Most of my friends went to a different middle school because of where they lived. It was me and twenty other kids from the same elementary, then kids from two other elementary schools who knew everyone they were moving to middle school with. 

Beth told me to woman up and go up to kids that seemed to have their minds in the right place and talk to them. She said that grades came before anything and if offered drugs to always say, "no thank you" and walk away. 

Right now we were "celebrating" going back to school by going to Six Flags Fiesta Texas and riding all the rides. I had always been terrified of roller coasters but today, Beth promised to get me on at least one. She guaranteed that after I rode one, I'd be begging to get on another.

We were in line for the roller coaster based on Superman The Krypton Coaster, and boy was I scared. Actually debating on getting to the top then running straight through instead of getting on. "Could we not? I don't want to! I'm scared!" I begged to Beth. 

This is what she told me, "Mae, you only get one life to live, how do you want to live your life? Being to scared to try and give up because that's the easy way out and you don't have to brave up and do something different? So you can just stay inside your little bubble never looking out into the world around you? I'm not going to let you live that kind of life. You will be brave and will be willing to try new things. The only trick to living like this, is knowing what's right and wrong, no what's cool and what's not." she told me, a hand on my shoulder as she spoke to me. "Now, do you want to sit in the middle or outside?" She asked, and it was then I realized it was our turn to get into the seats. 

I stood there, it seemed like everyone had heard our conversation and they were all waiting for my response. I thought about it then grinned at her and said, "Outside." then climbed in. 

* * *

I woke and felt tears well in my eyes. 

"I remember everything." I said to the empty Black Room, then felt every emotion pour out of me, most if not all sad an depressing. 

I had to get our of here and find my family. 

I had to get out of here and find Beth and thank her for all she did for me and tell her about everything that had happened to me. She always listened to what I had to say. She always cared for me when I felt like the world was against me. 

I had to get out of here and tell her I loved her.

I had to get out of here and find Beth's grave.



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