Chapter 9

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Breaking point.

"Suri!" East called again, East walked into her room and saw all the trash bags and a sleeping Suri.

East sighed he sat on the bed and played with her loose hair. He knew the way he acted wasn't called for leaving her to pay for the stuff, was very un male -like. He had just realized how truthful Suri was, he knew his brother was lying. Why would Suri tell him from the jump straight up that he kissed her and be nervous about it. He knew when Kade was lying, but he didn't know why, all he knew was that they were together for two years and they claim to be in love, he thought that it was only natural for her to kiss back. East knew he was wrong for going to Summer's house to have sex, when he had Suri that wanted him, but he kept putting it off for something special. He ruined his chances with Suri. The way he let Siara talk to her was disrespectful. He sighed and got off the bed, it was only three weeks almost a month he'd known this girl and still treated her badly. Tomorrow he was going to take her somewhere special when Siara goes to school.

East walked out of the room closing the door and going to the Kitchen to get something to eat. Suri didn't cook anything and it was almost dinner time. He didn't want to wake her up so he tried to cook mac and cheese from him and Siara. All the box mac and cheese were thrown out. Suri made the mac and cheese from scrap and he didn't know how she did it so he tried following a recipe from the internet.

When the mac and cheese was finished he called out to Siara to come downstairs. She ran down the stairs she was hungry, Summer had given her bread and cheesespace but she threw it away, the bread had mold on it and the cheese space didn't smell correct to her. Her dad was so busy up under Summer that he had forget she was there till he was ready to leave.

Siara took the bowl of mac and cheese and begun to eat it. Her smiling face turned to a sour face and she looked at her dad.

"Dad, Suri didn't make this you did I can tell. I love you dad but this isn't tasting good." Siara said. When East tasted the food he wanted scrunched his face up.

He threw it away and began to wash up the wears, Siara ran back up stairs to her room.

Suri had wake up hearing all the noise. She walked out her room and saw East cleaning up.

She slowly approached the kitchen, trying to be quiet so he wouldn't hear her going into the fridge. Her luck was on zero, East turned around and saw her. Her eyes were red and puffy her hair was all over the place. They stared at each other for a while, and Suri was about to walk out when he stopped her and pushed her against the fridge door. East began to slowly kiss her.

"I'm sorry Suri, what I did earlier wasn't called for, I ain't mean to call you a hoe either. You gonna give me another chance?" East said apologizing to Suri, but she just smiled at East and huged him. He squeezed her close to him.

"Im so glad youre not mad at me anymore, but I'm moving out Tomorrow." Suri pushed him off of her. That apology was weak, so was his actions she thought.

"You what?" East was shocked.

"You heard me, I'm moving out, I'll visit your daughter, I never break a promise and I'm quitting the stripping job. Whether you like it or not, I'm going. You're daughter is getting disrespectful just like Draya, you better tame her down, or I'll do it for you. She just a kid yet she's mad when you're mad at me?" Suri spoke slightly laughing. "I gave you your chance and you blew it, I'm gone tomorrow East.

East stood there watching Suri walk off, did he just lose her? He questioned himself. East went into the fridge and saw the left overs from the restaurant, he sighed an took them out of the fridge and got them up, calling his daughter downstairs. The bill fell out of the bag and East picked it up looking at it. He felt bad all over again.

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