My eyes widened and my heart started to beat more widely as they screamed. Nick hand tightens on mine and he tugs me with him to the other way.

"Run Demi! Run!" He tells me and we started to run down the sidewalk, hand in hand as people move out of our way while we ran through them.

"Oh my god!" I squealed, looking back when I saw they were gaining on us. "We are actually getting mobbed right now! This is so cool!" I say over the screams but Nick still continues to drag me through the crowds, trying to outrun the group behind us.

While we crossed the street and cars honked at us, a group in front of us notice us and started to run our way. So Nick tugs me into the street filled with traffic as we ran through the cars. I ran behind Nick, my hand still in his as people everywhere start to close in on us.

"Oh my god," I gasp with excitement, not even panicing as people try to get near us through all the cars and buses. Nick grabs me and pulls me up on a taxi, running up quickly to the hood while I yelled a sorry to the taxi driver.

We ran on top of cars, but then Nick jumps onto a truck hood and tells me to jump toward him. "Your crazy!" I tell him but he opens his arms wide.

"Come on baby girl, it's me or we'll get mobbed by everyone!" He says and I sigh before taking a step back on the car I was on before jumping toward Nick, he quickly catches me as I fall into his arms.

He smiles at me while I rolled my eyes at him, he then makes me sit on his shoulders and say, "Climb onto the top of the truck,"

I did as I was told, telling him sorry as I stood on his shoulders before pushing myself up. I bet my ass was practically in his face.

"Help me up Nick!" I say and he puts his hands on my ass, pushing me upward. "Hey!" I squealed when he squeezes me and I heard him chuckle underneath me. When I was on the roof of the truck, I got on my knees before turning to Nick and grabbing onto his hands.

I help him up, people rounding the truck as they try to grab Nick. One girl even touch Nick's ass.

"Hey! He's mine!" I tell her before helping Nick up on the truck.

She just giggles at me.

Since the truck was parked next to a apartment building, there was escape ladders next to us. Nick takes a few steps back before running toward the nearest one and jumping, gripping onto it tightly as it clatters against his body. Nick grunts as he pulls himself up a bit then turn his head toward me, taking a hand off the ladder, he holds it out to me.

"Jump to me babe! Quickly!" He says and I gave him a scared look. He motions me to grab his hand.

"Don't worry, I'll catch you if you fall! Trust me, I'll catch you!" He says and I look at his eyes, his eyes held honesty and truthful. So, trusting him with my heart, I took a few steps back before running and jumping toward him.

My hands quickly grab his hand, my body thrusting itself against the ladder as pain shots up in my side. I squeak, Nick's hand tightening on my hands as he helps me up. When I had both hands on the ladder and balance, Nick starts to climb up the ladder. I climb after him, and when he was reaching for the edge of the roof, I reached up and squeezed his ass. He yelps and I laugh as he looks down at me.

"Payback for squeezing my own ass you bastard!" I say and he rolls his eyes at me while I giggled, he gets on the roof and helps me up. When I was on the roof, Nick grabs the ladder and pulls it up, tightening it shut against the bolts so no one can grab the ladder and climb up.

We look down toward the crowd, all of them screaming our names or saying things along the lines of 'I love you' or 'make more music together' or 'your perfect together'.

I smiled, waving at them as Nick sits next to me on the roof. "Hi guys! How are you?" I say, smiling at them as I took a seat on the edge and they screamed their responses. Nick wraps his arm around my waist protectively and pulls me closer to him as we look down toward the crowd.

Then they started to chant. "Sing! Sing! Sing! Sing!"

I look toward Nick and he shrugs, smiling at me. "Why not? It'll calm them down." He says and I grin at him.

"Let's sing How To Love by Lil Wayne?" I ask him and he nods, we turn back to the crowd as they went quiet so they can hear us more clearly. People got out of their cars to look at us and people on the street stop what they were doing to look at us too, even people from inside their apartments.

I started patting my laps, humming while Nick started to beatbox next to me, his arm still wrap around my waist.

"Cut the music up, a little louder yeah; See you had a lot of crooks tryna steal my heart; Never really had luck, could never figure out; How to love, how to love," I sang, making my voice stronger so people can hear me.

Nick takes the next verse while I beatboxed for him. "See you had a lot of moments that didn't last forever; Now I'm in this corner, trying to put it together; How to love, how to love," He sings and I smiled when someone below us starts to play the guitar for us.

We both then sang together. "For a second you were here, now your over there; It's hard not to stare, the way you moving your body; Like you never had my love, had a love,"

When we finish the song, everyone was screaming and clapping. I smiled at them before turning to Nick and kissed him on his check. He return the gesture, wrapping his arm around my shoulder instead of my waist as we sat there together.

We sat and talk with the crowd, waiting for someone to help us while we talk. It was fun for the while, I loved talking with them. When someone did help us out, we said goodbye to the crowd and left. I was holding onto Nick's hand the entire time as we drove back home.

We both felt like we were the perfect duet.

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