Chapter 13 • Karolina

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Thursday : In the morning around 7

I opened my eyes to brim away the dream, well it wasn't exactly haunting if you don't count writing in your diary some weird context to future. Not exactly future, but I felt like it was my conscious warning me. What I was writing was

Destiny and Fate always go hand-in-hand. But, the person who is holding it are different. Your destiny is your story with the people who lived it with you. But Fate, is only yours, it is all in your hands, a strike and you go down.

I shiver from remembering those lines again. What is messing with my mind?

The answer is Him.


"What the hell?" I hear Sean's voice from under me.

Wait a sec- did I just say under me ? Yes , I did.

I rub my eyes and clear my vision and realize what is going on, I was in my bedroom and- I was clothed, phew, and Sean was also in my bed with me, only with him. And, he was shirtless.

And well, the view-

"-What the hell, Kara?"Sean screams again and I flinch.

"I didn't mean to scare you but still what happened last night ?" He asks again.

"I do not remember a thing, you?" I ask him.

"Nothing, do you have your clothes on?" He asks.

"Yes but you-" I say and am interrupted by him.

"I always sleep like this, you can ask Hanna if you want to." He sighs and the tension in the air decreases.

"So,you and Brent, huh ?"He asks me trying to change the subject.

"Maybe, we are more like friends who like each other's company and no strings attached thing following it."I say trying to figure out what is actually with me and Brent in reality . Me and Brent by my views , well, we are more like friends than lovers. We are really like each other , too similar to be perfect .

"So, nothing serious."

"If I remember correctly, we just met each other a week before maximum."

"Yeah, but it feels like we were meant to be-"

"friends forever"I complete his sentence.

"Totally, it is like Fate."

"Nope, more like Destiny, fate is individual. Destiny is intertwined."I say remembering my dream.

"Hmm"He says and we both start to do whatever we wanted to.

As Sean dressed himself up, I exit my room to see Olivea and Asher cuddling on the couch and remember Brent and Tristan leaving in the night in the mid- movie as both of them had early classes the next day.

"Aww, look at Ash and Olivea cuddling." Sean says and I turn to face him , only inches apart .

"You just Awwed." I say , grinning.

"So what, just because you think I am cold doesn't mean I have no emotions." He snaps at me .

"I - Sean , I am sorry , okay. I didn't mean it like that ."

"Then , you meant what?" He says, still infuriated.

"I meant- sometimes, we get along great but sometimes, you just leave with a cold shoulder."I say justifying the fact why I am sometimes irritated by him, he just makes me vulnerable in a way I am scared to be , What if he too disappears ?

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