CHAPTER 2 • Olivea

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Olivea P.O.V.

I wake up blinded by the beautiful golden sunlight . Slowly opening my eyes and drinking in the heavenly sight of the sky , blue with the morning sunlight , it made it look like a mirror with glitter spread on it . I smile and stretch as much as the plane's seats allowed . The seats are pretty comfortable and I had an amazing sleep . Looking around I see Kara , still sleeping . I search for my phone and check my messages . A few from mom , friends and teachers , wishing me luck for the first day of college . I open my instagram , 51 DMs .hmmm. All of them from fans and friends . Kara and I started a YouTube channel when we were 13 ,so ,  now it is pretty big with almost 9+ million subs , I love them all , sure I don't know them personally and have never met them all but they all are so sweet and supportive , I just love to reply to their texts .

After a while I try to wake Kara from her slumber , she just waves her hands and says five more minutes . Hmm, this is not how this is supposed to go , I am not at all a morning person but sometimes  for sights like this I can make exception . I want to listen to some music but I think I am just gonna admire the view . Kara stirs beside me as she opens her eyes .

'' Hey , morning '' She says still sleepy .

'' Morning girl '' I reply '' I think we are abut to land pretty soon , you should wake up .'' 

'' You are up early , But yeah I think it is time '' She says rubbing her eyes .

'' I woke up due to the sun , it is beautiful '' I say. 

 After a short while , our plane lands , we leave the airport . The drive from airport to the university was quick even though there was a decent amount of traffic . We pass a cafe which was  so stunning from outside that I wanted to jump out of the cab and have some coffee right away . Coffee.... man ,I need coffee , but we have to reach the campus around 8 so we can make it on time  ,for our orientation program by 9 . Before the program we have to check in , so we have our IDs , dorm keys and time table , I don't know , we will see about that . We still haven't had breakfast and this all so stressing . I checked the time , it is 7 : 15 , we still have time .

Kara chuckled beside me. 

'' What is so funny ?'' I ask her  , confused . 

'' Nothing , I know you are still thinking about if we will be able to complete everything this morning and stuff . Chill ,will you ?  We have time '' She said grinning .

'' Yea... but did you talk to the authority for the same dorm ?'' I ask , Kara and I wanted to be placed in the same dorm so we contacted them regarding it . They said they will try to but we are not sure if we are in the  same dorms or not . I hope we are , it will be easier to share it with her . 

" Yea I called them again and they said they will keep that in mind. "

"I don't want to be  in  those three houses that are really far away from the campus ."

" Me too , Oh I just remember we have housing too , that is just so much fun. " 

"It is gonna be after a year , but you are still so excited . My morning will be fun when we have some coffee " I groan , sight from the window was worth waking up early but now all I can do from not falling down on the floor face first is have coffee .

" I think we are about to reach and there is a cafe just a few mins away from the campus and we also have cafes in every house building , maybe we should eat first . I am hungry "

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