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Jaden, the dance instructor turned down the volume and smiled at the dancers . Everyone was panting hard . She cleared her throat and said "Okay, everyone good job . I will see you all tomorrow . " Everyone  quickly left the studio . Olivea was still packing her stuff when a girl walked up to her and waved a bracelet in front of her "You um dropped this." 

"Thank you . I am Olivea , you can call me Oli. "

" Nice to meet you and no need to thank me , by the way the bracelet is really pretty . I am Karolina , you can call me Kara ." Karolina said handing her the bracelet and then she eyes falls on a book that was kept near Olivea's flask

'"You like reading ?" Karolina asked curiously

"I LOVE reading ."Olivea replied grinning

"Wow , me too ."Karolina replied , surprised

 " Really ! "Olivea loved her already

" Yeah , are you new I never saw you around here ?" Karolina asked

" Yeah we just moved here from Seattle "

" Really ."

With that they left the studio and talked about books , Seattle and were quickly besties.

After 14 years later .......

" Hey , you nervous ? " Karolina asked , looking around the airport's entrance like she was thinking about a escape plan .

" Little , you?" Olivea replied , biting her lower lips , a nervous habit.

" Same " Karolina sighed and took a sip of her coffee . " But I am also very excited , I can't believe we are in college. "

" No ,I am able to believe that as someone was going all like " OH MY GOD,  OLI I CAN'T BELIEVE WE ARE IN COLLEGE NOW " that really helped me believe it '' Olivea said turning her head towards Karolina , smirking.

" Hey ! I was really freaking excited okay ." Karolina said chuckling at the memory of herseff  jumping up and down like a fool.

" If you both are done laughing and teasing , I might need a little help here ." Kyle said , Karolina's brother . He wore his Blue jeans and a red hoodie . He was struggling with a suitcase " You guys have seriously packed way to much ." He put down all the suitcases and sighed .

" Look at them all grown up and ready to leave us " Mrs . Woods sobbed . " She just....I will miss you so much Oli , I love you and you too Kara ."

" Mom ," Olivea sighed " Please don't cry , I love you too ."

" Take care girls , we are going to miss you so much. " Mrs . Taylor rubbed Mrs. Wood's back

" Yea ... we are so proud of you , take care okay?" Mr . Taylor said , giving both of them a hug

" Now , I think is the time . Take care , give us a call once you reach ." Mr Woods sighed .

" Sure Dad ." Olivea said parting away  from the breathtaking hug.

" Don't worry , aunt , I will make sure she does. " Kara says and gives Mrs.Woods a peck on the cheek .

" Aww , I will miss both of my  Princesses . " Mr.Taylor says and dramatically wipes away a fake tear .

" Dad , stop it please . We are just going to college. " Kara chides

" Yes , and partying and drinking and dancing ." Kyle deadpans

" We dance already , Kyle." Olivea interrupts.

" Now , enough of this , give your dad a hug and get going. " Mr.Woods says .

Olivea hugs him and stares at Kara ,
" Kara , have you turned deaf , I asked for a hug ? " Mr.Woods stifles a laugh.

Kara also rushes in the hug and then proceed to her dad , Mr.Taylor , then their moms and at last Kyle .

" We both will miss you lots. " Olivea and Karolina said .

After the goodbyes and farewell both of them left their families .

" Are you ready?" Olivea  asked . 

" No but I will be after a selfie." Karolina  responds and sends a wink to Olivea's direction.

" Okie" Olivea says and smiles for the selfie .

" Yup, it is a good one , lemme put it on my story before jumping on the flight. #shippedtoharvards.Yeeepppiee!!" Kara exclaims and both of them climb the flight .....
After 12 hour flight .....................


Hey adventurers!!!!
Hope you all like this chapter and make sure you guyzz vote and recommend this to all ur wattys frnds ..... Comment down below and for the time being FAREWELL !!🤩🤩🤩


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