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Her body shook with held in laughter and I stayed silent waiting for it to pass. When it didn't pass, I looked down to see her with a hand clasped over her mouth desperately trying to stop laughing as tears ran down her face. I laughed gently and she smacked my shoulder

"Ow!! What the hell?"

I could hear my twin ushering our brother out and I slipped out from under the blanket waiting until George closed and locked the door before smirking "Yeah you messed up Ronald."

George turned and looked at me annoyed "Really? I thought we told each other everything?"

"It just kinda happened George."

"Who is it?"

I pulled the blanket off Mione and tugged my jumper down before moving so George could see who it was. His jaw dropped and he looked at the door and then me "Are you fucking insane?"

Hermione took a breath and answered for me still giggling slightly "Yes, yes we are."

I entwined my fingers with hers and she smiled happily as George shook his head in disbelief "You're telling everyone that I had nothing to do with this and I had no knowledge of whatever the hells going on right now."

George threw himself onto his bed and closed his curtains with a jerk. I laid down beside Hermione and kissed her forehead pulling her closer to me. She closed her eyes and her breathing deepened as she fell asleep. I brushed her hair back with my fingers and whispered softly "I don't even know what's going on Georgie...."

Four months later

A whimper woke me and I turned confused as I saw Mione standing by the foot of the bed. I sat up and looked around to see the room empty except for the two of us as usual. Hermione leaned over slightly and bit down on her lip, her hand pressed against her stomach


She gasped and looked up at me "Freddie....I..."

She went pale and cried out her legs collapsing. I shot out of bed and cradled her head gently "MIONE!!"

She squirmed a little and then clapped a hand over her mouth as a shriek left her lips and she convulsed. She suddenly went still and I squeezed her hand "Mione, What happened? are you ok?"

She sat up a little and reached under herself, her fingers coming away stained with blood.

"Fred...oh my god...FRED..."

I smiled "I'm here, I'm right here...it's just your period...are all girls like this when they have their period?"

"I'm pregnant."

Everything stopped and my hand tightened squeezing her hand. Pregnant, she was a virgin Four months ago...oh Merlin, this was my baby...she's...oh my god...oh my god. I took and deep breath and before murmuring quietly
My head spinning with this new information "Mione, I know I'm a guy and I'm not really an expert, but you're not supposed to get your period when your pregnant...are you?"

She was squeezing my hand back just as hard and I kissed her temple "What do I do? What do you want me to do?"

"I don't know...I don't know!!"

The door opened and George came in "George, Get McGonagall."

"What's going on?"

I took a breath and spoke quietly "George, get McGonagall and...no...no...help me, help me."


I stood up and grabbed my blanket off my bed "Mione, stand up."

"No, no, what if...what they come out..."

I waved my wand and Mione was levitated up, I stared at the pool of blood that had gotten onto the floor. George swallowed "Fred, Why is she bleeding?"

I snapped my fingers looking at my twin hopefully "Do you think you can get Harry's invisibility cloak?"

"Yeah, why? Why are we hiding this?"


George bolted to the door and paused "You'd better tell me what the hells going on when we get her to the hospital wing."

Hermione rubbed her face on my chest and murmured quietly "Yeah, Yeah I do."

I sniffed her hair and whispered softly "Mione, I love you. So much, but I need to know."

"No, you don't, and I'd appreciate it if you'd stop asking."

"I'm not going to."

"I miss Tigger."

"Stop, just tell me, please. I'm all done Hermione, I'm so done with the secrets."

She looked at me and I closed my eyes as I rubbed her back gently, repeating softly under my breath, "I'm so done."

After a minute she moved, touching my face with her fingertips gently "Freddie, I'm sorry, it just won't, it won't help."

"Who all knows?"

"Knows what?"

"Whatever you're hiding from me."

"It doesn't matter, it'll...it'll hurt you Fred."

"How many? Who?"

She sighed softly "Alex, Harry, Lee, and Draco know, George might've heard... I'm not sure."

I opened my eyes and looked at her "George? Seriously?"


I closed my eyes again and murmured quietly "Can we go back to sleep?"


I rolled over trapping her under my body "I don't want you to hide things from me, What do I have to do? Why don't you trust me?"

"It's not a matter of trust."


The Marriage Law - A Harry Potter FanficWhere stories live. Discover now