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George bit his lip and spoke quietly "I can't have kids Mione, I've been taken out of the law, that's why I know what will happen to me."

I stared at him in shock, quickly regaining my composure "Oh Merlin, I'm so sorry George."

George smiled sadly "Angie doesn't know yet, she thinks that we can continue seeing each other. I just...I know it won't work, I can't morally do that no matter who she gets but I also can't break up with her Mione."

I squeezed his hand and murmured quietly "Let's go home. You should spend one last night with her George."

The man smiled and hugged me "I can't Mione, I distanced myself from her and I can't just waltz back expecting her to love me and then break her heart the next day."

"Tell her, talk to her George."

"I can't Mione, I can't hurt her like this."

I sighed and looked at him "I'll spend a night with someone of your choice if you spend one last night with Angie."

George thought about it before smirking "Ok."

I closed my eyes cringing as he turned back around "I hate myself, why did I say that?"

"You're in for it now Mione."

"I know."



He gave me a grin over his shoulder "Hmmm, love you too."

I glared at him and he leaned forwards making the broom dive. I screamed and grabbed George's shoulder's "NO!! GEORGE!!"

George sat up and grinned making the broom level out 3 feet from the ground

"There we go. See? That was fun..."

"NO!! IT WAS NOT!!!"

I was suddenly lifted off the broom and I yelped in shock. George smirked "And that's who your spending the night with Mione."

I groaned softly "No, please."

A familiar voice spoke softly, sending shivers up my spine despite my convictions against the man "What's going on George?"

George smiled sweetly "Well Fred, you are to go show Mione a good time tonight."

I shook my head "No, no George..."

George shook his head "Nope, no take backs."


"Ok then, kiss Fred."

Both Fred and I cried out and I begged him "Georgie...please, don't make me kiss him."

Fred's arms tightened on my arms painfully for a second before he let go of me "Go Mione, I need to talk to George."

I stepped away from him and turned slapping him across the face. He gasped and I snarled softly, "You can't order me to leave."

Fred glared at me angrily "Don't touch me, and I very well can."

I slapped him harder and turned, stomping off back to the Burrow. I heard George speak behind me "Wow, that was smooth Fred, very smooth."

"She slapped me!!"

"And? You shouldn't have told her you can order her around."


I rolled my eyes and continued into the Burrow, I slammed the door and Ginny grabbed my shoulders "Stop, now what was that at lunch?"



I freaked out at her instantly, making her step back in shock "I SAID IT WAS NOTHING GINNY!! JUST LEAVE IT!"

I pushed her aside and ran upstairs slamming Percy's door again. I threw myself down on the bed and yelped in pain as I landed on my book "Fuck!!"

Almost immediately I heard someone yell below my window "Mione? Are you ok?"

I got up, walked over and looked down to see Fred looking up worried. I glared and slammed the window angrily making the twins wince. I shut the dark blue curtains and went back to the bed. I sat down and grabbed the book opening it up and trying desperately to relax as I read



I opened my eyes and saw Harry above me "Mione."

I rubbed my eyes sleepily and yawned "Hey Harry, What are you doing?"

"M-my letter, it...it's here, so is yours but Mione, look."

I sat up, shoving my book aside and took the letter from him

"Dear Mr. Potter,

Due to unforeseen circumstances you have been removed from your original partner and claimed by another. The information that you previously had gotten is now incorrect. Your partner is not Ginny Weasley.

Your partner will contact you when ready, you are not to have any relationships with anybody until then

Heather Davis
Head of marriage law affairs"

I looked over at him frowning "Harry, I don't understand what could've come up unless...Merlin..."

"What? Ginny is currently crying her eyes out on Molly's shoulder, what are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking that...Harry... the only logical explanation is that you've got a mate."

Harry looked at me confused "What?"

I gave a sigh of exasperation, rolling my eyes at his annoyingness "A mate Harry, Possibly a descendent of a Veela, or like a fairy or maybe even a mer creature."

Harry stared at me and I snapped my fingers in his face "Oh dear...I broke him."

Harry re-focused on me and glared "Stop it, now come downstairs Ron's being an ass."

I smiled and slipped out of bed Harry passing me my housecoat to wrap around myself as we walked downstairs. Ron handed me my letter grinning

"Here, stop worrying that it's not me."

He leaned down to kiss me and Harry gave me a shove out of Ron's path. Ron frowned and I smiled gratefully. I slowly opened my letter and Ron grinned again, not bothering to pick his letter up, let alone open it

I knew it...it was him...

"Well? Are you finally satisfied that it's me?

"It's not you Ron."

Ron looked puzzled "Of course it's me, let me see maybe your reading it wrong.

He reached out for the letter and I quickly folded it sticking it in my pocket. I turned away and looked at Harry "I'll be in Percy's room."

"Aren't you going to see your person?"

"No, I don't need to... correction I don't want to. He's caused me enough pain and anger."

I walked up the stairs and opened my bedroom door to see just the person I didn't want to see. He sat on the bed and looked up as I opened the door. His clothing was immaculate and he stood from his spot on the bed "Mione..."

I stepped back out and closed the door "Never mind, I'll be anywhere but the damn bedroom."

The Marriage Law - A Harry Potter FanficWhere stories live. Discover now