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I closed my eyes yes again already knowing the answer as Lee snorted "Fuck no, I like my ass the way it is...Gay as hell."

I opened my eyes and sat back up as Lee grinned "Come on, I have a surprise for you."

He grabbed the papers that were on the ground and stood. I watched as he walked away "Lee? What's going on?"

"Hurry up!!"

"Lee!! I want to read those!!" I quickly stood and ran off after him, jumping as I reached him and latching onto his back as he walked. He opened the door to the kitchen and the smell of food washed over us. The sunshine illuminating the kitchen

"Lee, Mione."


Harry grinned holding Teddy in his grasp "It's my week with the kiddo so I can't chat a lot, but apparently when you change the baby butt the back has straps that come to the front to hold the diaper in place. Like what genius thought of that? Do you think that they used Velcro at one point?"

Lee looked confused "What's he talking about?"

"Changing Teddy's poopy diaper."


Mrs Weasley turned from the stove waving her wand and making the bowls of soup go round the table and land in front of the chairs "Lee dear, don't yell in the kitchen."

"Sorry Molly, can I please stay for lunch? That food looks amazing as usual."


"And may I say you look positively beautiful today? Is that a new dress?"

Mrs Weasley blushed "Oh, well yes, thank you for noticing Lee, of course you can stay."

She turned around and hummed softly to herself happily. I snickered and Lee grinned murmured softly so she couldn't hear "Score!! And that's how it's done ladies and gentlemen."

Ginny smacked Lee and he grinned "Doll, you can't hit very well."

I slid off Lee's back and murmured softly, my lips curving into a grin "You're in for it now."

He turned his head and that's when Ginny struck, making Lee collapse in pain groaning softly "My nuts....oh fuck...."

"She hits hard enough Lee."

"Yep, she does...holy fuck..."

There was a crack and the twins apparated into the room, immediately laughing as they saw Lee on the floor. They each grabbed an arm and hoisted him to his feet

"Guys...my nuts..."

I turned quietly and grabbed a bowl of soup, escaping the room as Ron came in as well, smelling the food. He caught my arm and whispered in my ear "Love, I want you to come to my room tonight."

I tensed and he quickly kissed my lips making my hands shake as the bowl slipped from my fingers aand I fled from the room. I ran up the old wooden stairs and I could hear people calling after me as I slammed the door to Percy's bedroom.

The dust swirled through the room and I quickly threw open the window to clear it out. I waved my wand and the room cleaned itself quickly. I took a few deep breaths before wiping Ron's sloppy kiss from my lips and walking over to the bookshelf to pull out Hogwarts: a history.

I curled up on the bed and flipped open the book randomly. I tried to read but I couldn't...I couldn't stop focusing on the people downstairs. I slammed the book shut and started pacing back and forth


Fred's voice came from outside and I panicked quickly running over to the window and climbing out. I jumped down and waved my wand about to mutter a spell when I was caught. George grinned at me and I begged him softly glancing up at the window above us "George, please!! Take me somewhere that's not here!!"

George looked at me carefully and nodded "Climb on and hold on tightly, I'll take you away into the sunset."

"The sun isn't setting George."

He scoffed softly rolling his eyes "Spoil sport."

I smiled and climbed onto the Firebolt behind him holding onto his waist tightly "Go George."

I closed my eyes and rested my head on his back as he leaned forward on the broom. We shot forwards and I squeezed my eyes shut clinging to him "Don't let me fall."

"And let my brothers future wife die? No way."

I took several deep breaths as we stopped up in the air. George whispered softly "Open your eyes."

"What if my eyes are already open?"

"They aren't, you're terrified of heights."

I squeezed his waist tightly and he spoke in a strained voice "Can't breathe, loosen up please. Men don't wear corsets."

I let go and opened my eyes panicking a little "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine, but look!! A Unicorn!!"

I glanced over and gasped as I saw the sea of clouds in front of me "That's not a unicorn."

"I wonder if clouds are actually unicorn farts."


He grinned and stayed silent as we sat up there for a very very long time, I suddenly burst into tears and George looked at me sitting up straight in shock.

"Hey, Mione, what's the matter?"


George turned around to face me on the broom and hugged me tightly "it'll be ok."

"How? The ministry put a report on my marriage in the official documents. They don't even know what to do!!"

"What did it say?"

"That the two subjects we were called subjects George...the two subjects were married and now are separated and it's just...its infuriating. And then it mentions Ron and then they just...they haven't made a decision because of the media that they'll get...George, it sounds like they might pair me with Ron."

George wiped away my tears gently "Is that a good thing?"

"I...I don't know."

"It"ll work out."

"Aren't you scared?"

George smiled "No, I already know what's happening with me."

I stared at him before totally freaking out "HOW DO YOU ALREADY KNOW?!?! WHY CAN'T YOU TELL ME WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN WITH ME?"

The Marriage Law - A Harry Potter FanficWhere stories live. Discover now