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I leaned against the bed and murmured softly "I'm fine Alex, we're just talking."

George stumbled in his hair messed up and his ears red "Yeah, she's fine Alex, we were having an interesting...um conversation...so let's go continue having that...conversation"

Alex looked at George with a smirk and then back at me "Are you sure your ok?"

"Yeah, Alex...what did you do to George?"

"Nothing, it was a great...conversation."

George cleared his throat "Is...is a great conversation...you can't tell me that and then just bolt...Mione can take care of herself."

"I don't have my wand on me."

"Here." George tossed me his wand and then grabbed Alex's arm "Hurry up."

Fred and I exchanged looks as the two men left the room "What's going on there..."

"No idea, I don't wanna know either...we need to talk Fred, did you even consider the fact of my health? I could be pregnant, Fred if we fucked..."

He stepped forwards holding me in his arms tightly "Shhhh, it'll be alright. Breathe...."

"No...Fred...don't touch me...don't speak to me... don't...just don't..."


"Your action could kill me."

"Our action, I had your full consent, bloody hell you started it."

"I don't...I don't remember...I'm scared and I don't want anything to do with you."

Fred let go as I pushed him away "Could you leave?"

He nodded and slowly went to the door "I love you."

I stayed quiet as he stood there...waiting for me to reply...I threw back the covers and laid down ignoring him. I listened as Fred opened and closed the door, leaving me alone. I broke into tears and sobbed softly for a long time. An hour later the door opened and someone spoke softly


I gasped softly and brushed the tears from my face quickly. I cleared my throat and looked up to see Alex standing there looking concerned. He sat down and took my hand "What's the matter?"

"Well, everything bad..."


"I can't remember stuff...and Fred...he fucked me..."

"He has no right to fuck you."

"He does though."



Alex raised his eyebrows "Married? To the ugly one?"

I rolled my eyes "He's not ugly, he's...the better looking twin."

"The better looking one? I think not."

"I think so...he's...gorgeous."

"Hmmmm...I think your sickness has addled your brain and eyes."

"And I think your ego and lust for George has damaged your brain."

Alex glared at me before grinning "That was a good one...I liked that..."

I smiled and Alex took my hand gently "You gonna be ok?"

"Maybe...Maybe not...Alex, if I get pregnant I could potentially die."

His hand tightened and he half rose "What? What do you mean?"

"Fred thinks I...I purposely stabbed myself to be rid of the twins."

"The twins? Fred and George? You tried to kill Fred and George?"

"No, fuck...you missed a lot."

Alex looked concerned and he laid down on his side looking at me "What's  happened?"

"You had three niece's."

Alex stared at me before whispering softly "Had?"

"I miscarried the first one, and then there were the twins."

"Not Fred and George."

I nodded "Not Fred and George, Fred and I, our children...we had one and then a set of twins. I miscarried one then war I told you about? There was a woman that, used a cursed knife to carve the word mudblood into my skin, then she...stabbed...one of the twins and...she ended up killing them both."

"Oh my god."

I could feel the tears stream down my face as I pulled my knees up, hugging them tightly "And Fred thinks I did it, and I did, if I didn't make that mistake to go there, if I didn't go on the bloody hunt, if I didn't do so many things they would be alive, my babies would be alive."

"You can't blame yourself for this."

"But it's my fault."

Alex sighed and closed his eyes "Have you spoken to Fred?"

"No, what's the point? He would just be furious."

"Furious that someone else killed your babies? Not you?"

I stayed quiet and Alex groaned "God!! You're so bloody pig headed and stubborn."


"Come home, ok?"

Someone else suddenly spoke "Yeah, home to the Burrow."

We both turned as George smirked from the doorway. I went pale as I stared at him and he rushed over pulling me into his arms "Hey, it's ok Mione."

I sobbed softly and he rubbed my back gently whispering softly in my ear "It'll be ok. Everything will work out, Fred will stop being a pig headed idiot at some point."

Alex spoke quietly "You won't tell him?"

"No, he needs to get his head out of his arse, plus what am I supposed to tell him? I heard nothing."

Alex laughed softly and shook his head "Alright, Mione let's go home, Tigger is waiting to see you."

George laughed a little "Tigger?"

"Mione's...tiger...after Crookshanks passed away she felt courageous and got a bloody tiger."

George rolled his eyes and scoffed "She did not."

I rested my head on Georges shoulder and exchanged a look with Alex "Did you feed him?"

"Of course, but you need to talk to him about his manners, he tried to bite my hand."

I smiled and George picked up his wand "Where to?"

"Tigger will find us, so back to the Burrow please George."

"Alright, hold on guys and gals."

We apparated into the kitchen and Alex vomited onto the floor making me yelp and jump into George's arms to avoid getting hit. George nodded "Thanks Guys, your the best. I love getting puked on and getting throttled."

Alex groaned and George pulled out another candy handing it to him "Here."

"Thanks, oh god..."

I took George's wand and waved it cleaning the vomit up before Molly could see. George set me down and then cried out in shock "OH MY GOD!!"

The Marriage Law - A Harry Potter FanficWhere stories live. Discover now