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Hermione's POV

I sighed softly and tried to wrap the yarn around the needle "DAMN IT!!"

My knitting slipped out of my hands and I grabbed at it catching the yarn and successfully unraveling several rows. I groaned and threw the ball of yarn across the room "I hate this."

Someone chuckled from the doorway and I looked up as they spoke "That's not what Pansy told me, she said you loved this."

My mouth opened slightly as I stared at the gorgeous red haired man in front of me. His hair hung just below his shoulders and he had a little bit of stubble. He looked muscular and was easily 6 feet tall. He wore a turtleneck and I could see the edge of a burn scar on his left jaw. He walked over to pick up my knitting and I could see a bit of a limp as he leaned more heavily on his right leg

"Who are you?"

He looked up and smiled a little "Fred Weasley, and you?"

I stared at him and murmured softly in shock "I'm sure you already know that, Pansy's not exactly quiet about me, I'm like her most prized possession."

He laughed softly and he murmured quietly "Hermione Granger?"

I nodded and he sat down on the edge of the bed "You ok?"

I looked at him carefully "My boyfriend's name was Fred."

He blinked surprised "Was?"

"He's dead."

He sat there for a minute before murmuring softly "I'm sorry."

"It's alright, he died a hero, or so Pansy says."

We were quiet and I spoke quietly "I'm sorry."

He looked up at me confused "For?"

"I don't know why I told you that ...that was...an asshole move."

He stood and went over to the other side of the bed, laying down "May I ask how he died?"

I spoke softly telling him the short version of the story "There was a fire, and a pregnant woman was trapped, he charged into the flames and got her out then building collapsed on him. He traded his life for hers."

"You sound bitter."

"That woman wasn't supposed to be in that building!! And he wasn't supposed to be working that day!! He was supposed to be at home...with me."

He looked at me sadly and I blushed grabbing the knitting from him "Stop staring will you?"

"No, I quite like staring at you."

I went even redder and set down the knitting glaring at him angrily  "Really?"

"Yeah, here, let me see that. You've made a mess of it."

He took the knitting from my hands and quickly finished the row. He continued knitting as I watched him and I murmured quietly "Um, Mr Weasley, how do you know how to do that?"

"First call me Fred. Secondly, Mum is amazing. She's taught me...almost everything I know."

"So...What all do you know how to do?"

"I know how to make the best cookies ever."

I snorted thinking of Pansy's cookies "Really? I don't believe you."

"You don't have to, but you will, I'll bring you some."

I looked up at the redhead and he smirked at me "Or, I'll convince Pansy to let you come over to The Burrow."

I shot up in bed "Please!! Please do that, it's awful when they're at work and I'm all alone."

"Ok, ok, I'll make it happen, I promise."

"Don't make promises you can't keep Freddie."

His breath caught and I looked at him "What?"

"My...fiancé called me that."

"Called? Is...is she dead?"

He was silent for a minute before looking at me "I was placed in an arranged marriage before I could marry her."

I spoke softly with a sinking feeling "So you're married now?"

He was silent and I mentally slapped myself, why would I ask that? Now I seemed as though I liked him, although, I did. He was nice, gorgeous, down to earth, and I trusted him. More than I cared to admit, and he seemed to be familiar with me...just how much had Pansy told him about me? He cleared his throat, ripping me from my thoughts

"No, not yet."

I felt betrayed...and jealous of this other woman. This woman he was going to marry. It was official, I was crazy, I was bloody nuts!!


I looked at him and he smiled "I'm not going to marry her, I can't."

Relief, sweet gorgeous relief flooded my body and I sighed softly. He smiled looking at me "Dare I say that you look...relieved?"

I blushed and that's thankfully when Pansy made her appearance "Fred!! Hermione's supposed to be doing the knitting."

He quickly lied "Her hands got tired!! I'm not about to let her suffer!!"

She scoffed "Suffer? Oh my god, you stupid Hufflepuff."

I sat up taller "Pansy...be nice."

"Fine. Fred are you staying for dinner?"

"Are you going to poison me?"


I gasped "PANSY!!"

Pansy sighed and spoke through her teeth looking annoyed "Not."

Fred smirked "That didn't sound convincing."

"I solemnly swear that I won't poison Fred Weasley."

Freds smirk grew wider "try again, that wasn't convincing, and try saying that you won't kill me, you don't have to just poison me."

I snickered and Pansy glared at me crossing her arms "I solemnly swear that no harm except by his own hand will come upon Fred the idiot Weasley."

Fred smiled sweetly "That'll do."

I touched his arm gently "Are you staying?"

He looked at me carefully before whispering softly "I think I'd like to, if that's alright with you guys."

Pansy rolled her eyes and pointed at me "I'm doing this for your sorry arse."

"Love you too!!"

Pansy groaned "Fred carry her to the dining room will you?"

Fred tossed the knitting away "Gladly."

He reached over and scooped me up from my spot on the bed, he held me to his chest tightly and I felt...safe and loved...like I meant something to him, like I was the most precious thing on the earth to him. My breathing was erratic as I whispered softly  "Fred, I think you should go."

The Marriage Law - A Harry Potter FanficWhere stories live. Discover now