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His eyes stared up at the ceiling and I knelt down beside him tears streaming down my face "Freddie? No, no...Freddie wake up."


"George, he's not talking...he's not responding...GEORGE!!!"

George knelt down beside me, his voice thick with sorrow "Mione, come on,


George pulled me away from Fred's body and I sobbed in his arms "GEORGE!!"

George broke into sobs as he pulled me further away "He's gone Mione."


Mrs Weasley stopped staring at us as George slowly sank down onto his knees holding me in his arms as we both sobbed. She caught sight of Fred and a scream echoed throughout the hall as she threw herself over his body.

I reached up and ran my fingers through George's hair as we cried for a long time. Not even noticing when people filed out and then there was a cry which made us look up. George pulled me to my feet and we quickly made our way over to the crowd.

Harry and Voldemort slowly circled each other...He was responsible, he was responsible for it all. George was quiet as he stood beside me squeezing my hand.

I dropped his fingers as Voldemort turned his back to me. I raised my wand and pointed it "Avada kedavra."

The green light shot out of my wand and hit the...monster. He toppled over and everyone turned to see who had cast the spell as I lowered my wand. George whispered softly to me as everyone, including Harry stared at me shocked

"Thank you."

I let out a sob and wrapped my arms around George my wand dropping at my feet. A gravelly voice suddenly spoke

"All hail the Gryffindor Princess, the saviour of the wizarding world."

Me and George looked up to see Fred leaning against Lee Jordan in obvious pain but smiling. We both cried out, reaching for him as he fell and I quickly caught his head sobbing.

"I thought you were dead."

He whispered softly so only the three of us could hear "I wouldn't leave you...or the baby."

George and Lee stared at us in shock as I sobbed harder, he didn't know, I didn't have a chance to tell him... "Bellatrix, s-she...the babies didn't make it Freddie."

Fred grabbed his wand out of his back pocket as he tried to get up "Where is she, I'm going to kill her."

"Molly killed her, your mum got her Freddie."

Fred sobbed softly reaching up and pulling me into his arms. We sat there for who knows how long, everyone cheering around us, celebrating The Dark Lord's death as we cried for our dead children.

I shot up with a sob and then a scream of fright as a clap of thunder and a bolt of lighting made me jump. I slid out of bed and onto the floor a hand clapped over my mouth as I squeezed my eyes shut.


I gasped as I was pulled into someone's arms, before erupting into tears again.

"Hey...breathe love...slow breathes."

I kept gasping for air, clutching onto the person holding me "I can't!!"


There was another clap of thunder and I held on even tighter. The arms around me tightened and I was picked up, placed on the bed before the security of the arms left me. I clutched the blankets whimpering softly "Don't go, please."

The curtains were pulled open and the tall red haired man came back over to sit on the edge of the bed "I won't."

He stood back up and went around the bed pulling back the covers, tucking me in, before climbing in beside me. His nose pressed against my neck "I'm right here I won't leave Mione."

I closed my eyes and Fred stroked my hair gently "I'll keep you safe, safe and sound love."

There was another crash of thunder and he pulled me closer as I whimpered slightly. He kissed my temple and my breathing deepened as I fell asleep in his arms.


I woke up, a warmth enveloping me that I haven't felt since I stopped going to sleep with Freddie at night. I stirred and a pair of arms tightened around me making me remember what happened last night. I turned my head to look up at Fred, he looked exhausted and I rolled to look at him more closely

He opened his eyes and smiled "The thunderstorm isn't finished doing it thing yet, go back to sleep."

I slowly reached up and brushed my fingers underneath his eye "You go to sleep."

He pulled me into his embrace and rested his head on my hair. I snuggled closer as he played with the tips of my hair "I...I'm sorry Freddie."

"What for?"

"Everything...I'm sorry for ever falling in love, I'm sorry we're so broken. I'm sorry we have to get married again. I'm sorry I killed our children, I'm sorry, I'M SO BLOODY SORRY!! FOR EVERYTHING...I RUINED EVERYTHING..."

Fred looked stunned as I sobbed harshly on his shoulder "Mione..."

I reached up and ran my fingers through this hair "I'm sorry...if I hadn't of messed things up Fred..."

"Then you probably would be married to Ron or something."

"But if I hadn't started all this then you never would've had to deal with our children's deaths."

"Then I might not have had children Hermione."

I closed my eyes and he ran his fingers through my hand gently "I love you."


Fred blushed stammering softly "As...as a friend...nothing more."



We were silent and I closed my eyes, resting a hand on his chest as we fell asleep again.

The Marriage Law - A Harry Potter FanficWhere stories live. Discover now