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No...Merlin...I wanted to find Mione.... "Yeah, I can."

I sat down reluctantly and held George's hand as he closed his eyes. I leaned my head back and closed my own, falling asleep after a little while

Hermione stormed out of the room and I stood chasing after her, flushing as I slid past Heather "I'm going after her."

Heather was just as red "You do that."

I threw open the door and ran through the rain "Mione!!"

As I almost reached her she slipped and smacked her head off the ground. I knelt beside her and picked her up, quickly making my way to the actual house, no way was I taking her back into the guest house when Heather was there. I shoved open the door and quickly made my way to our bedroom

I set her on the bed and tilted her head to the side, looking at the bloody gash on the side of her head. I took my wand from her hand and waved it healing her injury. I kissed where her injury had been and held her hand as her eyes fluttered open


"I'm here."

Her eyes popped open and she tore her hand away from me "GET AWAY!!"




She stopped her interest now peaked "For real?"

"I promise."


She sat as far away from me as possible and I sighed softly "I didn't cheat on you I think Heather had a nightmare, she was in Ravenclaw...the year above you, and the year below me. She battled in the war and watched her twin sister die. I heard about her from George."

Mione moved a little closer "Oh my god."

"And I was..I was...wanking."

She gasped shooting back away from me "EW!! IN BED NEXT TO ME??"

I went to a bright bright red and turned away "I've been embarrassed enough Mione, Heather saw me into my underwear, knows I was wanking, you know I was wanking, you've also left me to speak awkwardly to Heather while I tried to go after you."

"You deserve it."

"Yeah...I suppose..."

She raised her eyebrows and I blushed more. I reached out and took her hand "I love you, I wouldn't cheat on you, ever."

She went quiet and I knew she was thinking this over, Merlin, I hope what I said was enough, I don't want to lose her, I can't lose her. I bowed my head and looked at our hands waiting...

She pulled gently and I looked up as she whispered "Come on, you look cold."

I slowly climbed up beside her, and she flinched a little making me stop "I can go stay in the guest room."

"No, it's just a headache."

"You hit your head hard...maybe we should go to St Mungos."

"Come here!! I'm trying to kiss you, you prat."


I jumped up beside her and she caught my face in her hands, kissing me deeply. This kiss brought up things I hadn't felt since my last year of Hogwarts. I kissed her back madly and she moaned wrapping her legs around me

"No, no...Mione...don't...let go..."


"No, we can't, we need to consult a healer from St Mungos first."

"I don't think they would've paired us if it wasn't safe."

Damn it, that made a lot of sense...but no...no...we couldn't...oh sweet mother of god. She kissed my neck and my head tilted back "Mione..."

She waved my wand drying us off "Shut up will you?"


Merlin, she's beautiful. Hermione lay asleep in my arms completely content and happy. I wrapped the blankets more tightly around her snuggling closer. Her head rested on my chest and she rolled a little relaxing altogether too much.


She didn't answer and I shook her gently "Mione?"

I shook her harder, now extremely worried...and scared..."MIONE!!"

I waved my wand and clothes appeared back on us. I picked her up and quickly made my way beyond the border so I could apparate. We appeared in St Mungos and I rushed over to the front desk

"She won't wake up."

The next few minutes were a blur...someone took her from my arms and I was shoved back while people surrounded her and she was taken away. Everything was too still...she had been too still...

I collapsed into a chair and suddenly I spotted a familiar face "Malfoy?"

"Weasley, Where's Granger?"

"She...she was too still...too still....she wouldn't wake up...Malfoy...I can't...I...we....

He pulled out his wand and waved it casting a patronus before kneeling beside me "Fred, I'll go and take over, she'll be fine, George will be here in a minute."

I nodded numbly and he quickly ran off. Second later there were two cracks and George was beside me "What happened?"

"She's...I don't know...too still...she wouldn't wake up."

"You killed her? YOU KILLED HER?"

I was punched in the face and I groaned before standing up and glaring at Ronald "How did you know I was here?"

George stood looking furious "He overheard the Patronus."

Ron came at me again and I caught his fist with my hand "Don't you dare."

I was punched in the gut and both George and I leapt at him pummeling him. People were trying to yank us off but I paid no attention, continuing to hit my brother, she wasn't dead, she couldn't be dead...she couldn't die...

she was too precious

"Fred!! FRED!! STOP IT!!"

I opened my eyes and Hermione had wrestled my wand from me. She quickly grabbed my wand and turned over my arm so I could see the burns that now covered it


"I...I wasn't!! I didn't feel it, I didn't know."

"Oh Fred."

I looked up at her and watched as she brushed her hair behind her ear. She waved my wand and a jar came flying across the room. She caught it, opened it, and dipped her fingers in before spreading the cream over my burns. It stung a little and I tried to pull away

"Fred, hold still."

Merlin, she was beautiful...and she was mine..."Mione."


The Marriage Law - A Harry Potter FanficWhere stories live. Discover now